A political consultant and Broad + Liberty co-founder warns that the state of our public discourse comforts the Woke fringe — but stifles solutions.
By Albert Eisenberg
David Osborne: How teachers are using the courtroom to take back the classroom
Unfortunately, for many teachers employed by the government, such as those who work in public school districts and state universities, they may also have to face the challenge of dealing with union officials. By David Osborne.
WATCH: Amy Wax speaks on academic wokeness and the damaging effects of political correctness
Prof. Wax’s voice deserves to be heard, and students deserve to be exposed to many different opinions in order to best educate themselves and prepare for the world ahead.
Brenda Hafera: Villanova lays bare America’s campus free speech threat
Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley recently sent letters to four universities, including Villanova, about their faltering dedication to free speech.
By Brenda Hafera
Chris Tremoglie: Will the ‘tolerant’ Penn community allow Dinesh D’Souza to speak on campus?
Faculty, administrators and students often preach tolerance and understanding of other points of view, but often abandon those principles when a conservative is invited to speak.
By Chris Tremoglie
Welcome to Broad + Liberty
An Introduction
By Albert Eisenberg, Kevin Ferris, Linda A. Kerns, Colleen Sheehan and Terry Tracy
Hayward and Yoo: The free speech crisis on our campuses
Want to fight administrative bias and cowardice at schools like Penn and Villanova? Speak out and stop donating.
By Steven F. Hayward and John Yoo