Earlier this month, I reported on threatening letters sent to people with Trump signs in their yard. One mailing included this statement, “Your vote for this guy is seen as treading on my rights. You tread on me at your peril, motherf*****.” [edited for inappropriate language] Following publication of the […]
Seth Higgins: An outsider’s view of Philadelphia
The good and bad about Pennsylvania’s largest city.
By Seth Higgins
Christine Flowers: Celebrating Columbus Day, not Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Scrolling through social media this week, I saw an article in a local paper listing the stores and offices that would be closed on Indigenous Peoples’ Day. My first reaction was bemusement, along the lines of “nothing will be closed on Indigenous Peoples’ Day because Indigenous Peoples’ Day is imaginary.” […]
Christine Flowers: Dodging the truth
Cassius Clay, Tim Walz, Donald Trump, Joe Biden and the limits of “honor.”
By Chirstine Flowers
Christine Flowers: Trump, Rwanda and the dangers of political propaganda
We should treasure our right to free speech, but also use good sense in how we exercise it.
By Christine Flowers
Stephen F. Gambescia: America needs national service
Encouraging national fraternity will reinvigorate American culture and society.
By Stephen F. Gambescia
Beth Ann Rosica: Juneteenth represents what’s best about our country
Commemorating Juneteenth is an acknowledgement of our nation’s mistakes and fortitude in overcoming them.
By Beth Ann Rosica
Thom Nickels: Friction and fiction at the library
The Free Library of Philadelphia is at war with itself.
By Thom Nickels
Andy Bloom: Pro-Palestinian protestors are misinformed
The First Amendment gives them the right to speak. It does not give them license to terrorize others.
By Andy Bloom