PoliticsPA, L2 Data, and Broad + Liberty Team Up for the Launch of Voices of Reason Podcast

On behalf of PoliticsPA and Broad + Liberty, I am pleased to announce the launch of the Voices of Reason podcast, powered by L2 Data Inc. 

Our goal is to redefine the contours of political and policy dialogue in Pennsylvania by providing a platform for smart but accessible debate featuring those that make policy and headlines in the Keystone State. Republicans and Democrats don’t agree on much these days. Where there is consensus at all, it is that our politics is toxic and our government is plagued by too much dysfunction. Voices of Reason is the antidote to the shouting, sloganeering, and animosity. 

Here’s the truth as I see it: Pennsylvania in 2024 is arguably the most evenly divided state in the nation. Sure, Democrats have had more success in recent electoral outcomes, but Republicans continue to make meaningful gains in voter registrations. Donald Trump and Joe Biden both enjoyed victories that were absolute nail-biters in the last two presidential cycles. For every precinct that has gone blue in one part of the state, there is another that is now ruby red elsewhere. Neither party is likely to have a monopoly on political power anytime soon.

This fact should inform how we govern ourselves. It means we need to do a better job of talking to those with whom we disagree, we need to listen to others’ perspectives, and ultimately (children, cover your ears and avert your eyes, dirty word forthcoming) compromise — yes, compromise! — if the commonwealth is going to realize its full potential. That may not be anyone’s preferred endpoint but, ultimately, this is our reality. 

Voices of Reason will cultivate an atmosphere where guests from across the ideological spectrum can openly share their views and provide the audience with behind-the-scenes insights into the issues that matter most. Both sides will always be represented — everybody gets a fair shake. 

Voices of Reason is not about positioning the right against the left, nor is it about unifying everyone under a single viewpoint. We should disagree. Vehemently. But also substantively and graciously. It will be Pennsylvania’s one-stop shop for real information, real conversation, and exclusive news. 

A distinguishing feature of the podcast is its robust, data-driven approach, powered by L2 Data. L2 is a non-partisan data provider for researchers, campaigns, interest groups, and those in the media who wish to explore state and local politics at a level of detail that you will not find anywhere else. 

L2 Executive Vice President Paul Westcott and team possess an unparalleled ability to bring the “Overton Window” to life. Each episode is enriched with an analysis of hard evidence including maps and other visual representations that offer a comprehensive breakdown of voter, constituent, and consumer data on various issues and topics across the commonwealth’s complex political landscape. 

The inaugural episode of Voices of Reason, hosted by PoliticsPA Managing Editor Steve Ulrich, tackles the debate over the Governor’s proposed budget and features a lineup of distinguished guests that includes Senator Vincent Hughes (D-Philadelphia), PA House Appropriations Chairman Jordan Harris (D-Philadelphia), PA House Appropriations Minority Chairman Seth Grove (R-York), State Representative Gina Curry (D-Delaware), CEO of the Philadelphia Education Fund Farah Jimenez, and L2’s Paul Westcott.

The recent strategic partnership between PoliticsPA and Broad + Liberty catalyzed the creation of the Voices of Reason podcast, merging their diversity of perspectives and strengths in investigative journalism and comprehensive political coverage. Ultimately, my goal for PoliticsPA is that it becomes the commonwealth’s de facto town square: a place where people who care about the commonwealth, the common good, and one another come to share ideas, air their differences, and make democracy work. 

I know there are those out there that will find this objective quaint, even pollyannaish. That is understandable. I am not naive about how broken much of our politics is today. On the contrary, it is the poison that infects our discourse that makes this project so urgently needed. 

The creation of this podcast, and the continuation of this powerful collaboration, will keep viewers, listeners, and readers close to every statewide twist and turn as our commonwealth becomes the center of political gravity in 2024.

The Voices of Reason podcast will air bi-weekly on the PoliticsPA and Broad + Liberty YouTube channels. You can view the first episode here as well as a short preview featuring PA Senator Vince Hughes here.

So, I invite you to join Voices of Reason. It’s more than a podcast, it’s a community.

Terry Tracy is the CEO of Broad + Liberty and PoliticsPA.

3 thoughts on “PoliticsPA, L2 Data, and Broad + Liberty Team Up for the Launch of Voices of Reason Podcast”

  1. Congrats to all involved. And Thank you to the participants for wading into less frequented waters of debate and self inspection.

    Hopefully we see real dialog and not regurgitating party talking points.

  2. Adultery is a crime on the books in Georgia but no one cares…when are repubs gonna start getting mangey dog mean???

  3. Your goals should be lauded – it is the reason why I chose to listen to the podcast. Yet it does not accomplish its goal since the guest only espouses the talking points of each party: education is an investment and we need to spend more and rainy day money is for rainy days. And your round table summary was nonpartisan, it would have been informative if the data on the voter’s attitudes toward educational funding would have been a better ending. It would have been refreshing to have a third panel, not the the one you had, and have the guests discuss some of the points made by the parties. What is the connection between money and educational outcomes? What is spending per student from all sources in PA compared to other states? You missed out on a great opportunity. You took the easy route by letting them speak and no followup.

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