The latest incident of financial confusion raises new questions about the township’s administration.
By Todd Shepherd
Another potential conflict of interest between Senator Casey and his lobbyist relatives
Grant funding follows the connections to the state’s three-term senior senator.
By Todd Shepherd
Teacher concerns rise as West Chester District embraces unproven learning program
Some teachers see SEL as “outside of their realm” or “just one more thing.”
By Beth Ann Rosica
Central Bucks teachers’ union president ‘disheartened and disappointed’ by Dem candidates’ new signs
Members of the conservative contingent say the local teachers’ union normally stays out of races in which there is an incumbent member running for re-election.
By Todd Shepherd
From the Editors: Judicial retention elections should not be political footballs
Democrats want to restore norms — except when they stand in the way of machine politics.
By the Editors
Glenn Schloeffel: The new Central Bucks School District policy protects female athletes
Policy 123.3 protects girls’ emotional and physical safety and preserves the achievements won through Title IX.
By Glenn Schloeffel
State Senate advances bill to give parents the power to opt in or out of explicit content in school libraries
Senator Ryan Aument’s bill does not remove books from school library shelves, but gives parents power to choose what their kids can access.
By Olivia DeMarco
Republican policymakers all in on hydrogen hubs
GOP lawmakers favor the idea, but some conservative analysts are skeptical.
By Anthony Hennen
Thom Nickels: You can’t make Lincoln by committee
The new trend among playwrights doesn’t make for a great product.
By Thom Nickels
A contractor claims a Delco judge owes her $40K
The civil case might be characterized as ‘she said, she said.’
By Jenny DeHuff