(The College Fix) – A work-study job advertised at Penn State University wants students committed to “anti-racism practices” to help a left-leaning political organization register and educate voters. The job has renewed concerns by a leading Republican lawmaker about the Biden administration turning the financial aid program into a “vote-buying […]
5 facts that tell you everything you need to know about new voters in PA – VoR Podcast Ep. 2
The latest installment of the Voices of Reason podcast has your need-to-know data about voter trends leading into the 2024 primary.
By Broad + Liberty Staff
Sen. Cris Dush: Shapiro would use government force to coerce the people
The coercive power of government should be used only when absolutely necessary.
By Sen. Cris Dush
Christine Flowers: ID-to-Vote isn’t suppression — it’s necessary
Demanding ID-to-vote is not a form of suppression; rather, it enhances the most precious attribute of being an American.
By Christine Flowers
Rob Shearer: What a PA Democrat’s election system audit found
The takeaway is clear. Or, at least, it should be: Concerns over certain aspects of our election system are bipartisan. So, too, can be the solutions.
By Rob Shearer
Bipartisan election reform bill brewing in Pennsylvania Senate
Pennsylvania legislators appear to be working on advancing another election reform bill, as Democrat leaders soften their stances on identification requirements.
By Christen Smith
Wolf vetoes Pennsylvania election reform bill
Gov. Tom Wolf has officially vetoed the controversial HB 1300 election reform bill.
By Christen Smith
Poll: Majority supports voter ID, signature verification in Pennsylvania
New data from Franklin & Marshall College suggest widespread support for proposed new voting reform laws.
By Christen Smith
Pennsylvania’s ‘do or die’ election reform teed up for legislative action
The future of the Voting Rights Protection Act–a House bill with several bipartisan reforms–hangs in the balance due to the controversial expansion of the voter ID law.
By Christen Smith
‘Blue’ Southeast PA counties had head start on election grants
Despite discussing private election grants with Delaware, Montgomery, and Chester counties in August, the Pa. DOH did not make other counties aware of the grants until September, 2020.
By Todd Shepherd