There have been some interesting discussions about birthright citizenship, and Trump’s election a few weeks ago has just intensified the interest in the topic. A number of people who are angry at the chaos at the border have jumped right over the normal processes and procedures which would guarantee that […]
Christine Flowers: Lies about Haitian immigrants do a disservice to them and to America
Conservatives must not abandon the high moral road to liberals.
By Christine Flowers
Beth Ann Rosica: ICE document disputes counties’ assertion they comply with immigration policies
UMP’S CALL Despite local counties’ assertions to the contrary, a federal government document shows that all four collar counties are not fully cooperating with the U.S. Department of Immigration and Customs (ICE) regarding the transfer of illegal immigrants. As I reported last month, local counties disagree with a national organization […]
Christine Flowers: Both parties have failed us on immigration
There was a chance for nuanced, bipartisan immigration reform once.
By Christine Flowers
Christine Flowers: An eye-opening trip to the Mexican border
Even people who work in the immigration field — as I do — may not understand the full extent of the crisis on our southern border.
By Christine Flowers
Senatorial Candidate Spotlight: Illegal Immigration
Mehmet Oz and John Fetterman respond to our questions about illegal immigration.
From The Editors
Christine Flowers: Fetterman must condemn his supporters’ nativism
Anti-Muslim undertones darken our political conversations, just as they did in 2008.
By Christine Flowers
Christine Flowers: The heroes in Pennsylvania helping save Afghan lives
From immigration attorneys to Sen. Pat Toomey, there are people in PA who are leading by example.
By Christine Flowers
Christine Flowers: What I saw at Charlie Gerow’s gubernatorial campaign launch
As I saw Charlie Gerow surrounded by dear friends and professional campaigners alike, I felt something that I hadn’t felt in a very long time when it came to leadership in my beloved native state: hope.
By Christine Flowers