The inmate mistakenly released from the Delaware County prison claims he repeatedly told prison officials he was not supposed to be let go. While Daniel Rogers also told Broad + Liberty in a Sunday phone interview he intends to turn himself in to the facility this week, he’s fearful the […]
Thom Nickels: The Gospel According to Kamala
When I watch videos of Kamala Harris dancing—sometimes at outdoor rallies with children and so called faith leaders—I study her moves including the way her hair swings low over her forehead. I admit her near-perfect coordination makes me want to like her though I know that what I’m feeling is […]
Beth Ann Rosica: ICE document disputes counties’ assertion they comply with immigration policies
UMP’S CALL Despite local counties’ assertions to the contrary, a federal government document shows that all four collar counties are not fully cooperating with the U.S. Department of Immigration and Customs (ICE) regarding the transfer of illegal immigrants. As I reported last month, local counties disagree with a national organization […]