Philadelphia’s Democratic ward leaders voted last night to not endorse a candidate in this year’s contest for District Attorney, turning their back on current office holder Larry Krasner. It is the second time in four years that the group has opted to rebuff the progressive incumbent and the second consecutive […]
Paul Davis: Does Philadelphia need Krasner’s new Prolific Gun Offenders unit?
And why aren’t prolific gun offenders already in jail?
By Paul Davis
Crime is ‘hotter’ in areas bordering Philadelphia
Heat map shows jurisdictions bordering Philadelphia are experiencing increased crime compared to their average crime rates over the past five years.
By Broad + Liberty Staff
Committee testimony highlights conviction rate drop under Krasner
Testimony before the House Select Committee investigating crime in Philadelphia turned away from personal stories and toward data and policy Friday.
By Marco Cerino
R. Seth Williams: Dear Krasner, Tell the truth or keep my name out your mouth
An open letter to the Philadelphia District Attorney.
By R. Seth Williams
Claim: Upper Darby financial fight is under investigation by DA
Former finance director says he has been questioned in the investigation; county DA declined comment.
By Todd Shepherd
Chester County DA Deb Ryan hit with discrimination suit
A longtime Chester County law enforcement official is suing the county and District Attorney Deb Ryan, claiming racial discrimination.
By Linda Stein
Sen. Jake Corman: It’s time to impeach Larry Krasner
The state House of Representatives must begin the impeachment process against Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner.
By Sen. Jake Corman
Pa. state Senator seeks impeachment of Philly District Attorney Larry Krasner
“His decision to allow more and more criminals to walk free … has created an environment in which Philadelphians are no longer safe in their own homes and communities,” says State Sen. Corman (R-Centre).
By Todd Shepherd
Stu Bykofsky: Larry Krasner’s bait-and-switch scheme
A former Municipal Court employee says Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner is running a cynical game when it comes to requesting bail amounts.
“His tactic was a trick to force magistrates to lower bail to normal levels — and then blame them for rising crime.”
by Stu Bykofsky