A prison employee at the Delaware County prison is currently under investigation for smuggling contraband into the facility, but the same employee also served time in the county in the 1990s for felony charges for the manufacture or possession of controlled substances. When asked about the incident, the county says […]
Planned Parenthood PA to endorse in school board elections
At a webinar shortly after the Nov. 5 election, Planned Parenthood officials announced they plan to endorse and fund candidates for school board in Pennsylvania’s upcoming local elections. Now pro-life supporters are sounding the alarm, asking why an organization that promotes abortion would be active in elections for offices that […]
Jeff Hurvitz: Bob Dylan’s movie and self-determination
Midway through 1965, Bob Dylan changed the world of music by bringing his compositions from the era of acoustic guitar to one of electronic. The creation of “Like A Rolling Stone,” a piece hailed by Rolling Stone magazine as number one among its top songs ever, is now depicted in the […]