Guy Ciarrocchi: Becoming a single-issue voter
In this most unique era of American political and cultural history, when we are debating and fighting about many major existential issues in every facet of society, government and culture, it occurred to me that I’ve become a single-issue voter.
One issue captures the major issues — and the divide.
The United States of America is an exceptional (albeit imperfect) nation, which has done more to bring together people of diverse cultures, religions, classes and languages, create wealth and to ensure that its citizens can pursue happiness and do so freely. It has served as a force for good in the world — especially as a check on the forces of evil of the last one hundred years — more than perhaps any nation in history.
It is a choice between that belief on the one hand — along with the laws, customs, and principles that uphold and protect it — versus, on the other hand, those policies and actions that intentionally and purposefully tear down the pillars of America. Don’t forget there are some politicians who highlight and harp on our differences, seeking to pull us apart — even inventing new cultures, terms and genders rather than e pluribus unum — out of many, one. Worse, those politicians whose policies seek to weaken or tear down the entire nation.
Through their policies, speeches and actions, politicians are picking a side. Most major issues are based on this divide. Are you a politician who’s running to strengthen, preserve and promote America, the Constitution, and the principles and customs that have made Americans and America successful? Or do you see America and Americans as fundamentally flawed or harmful? Do you believe we should ignore or replace the Constitution? Do you wish to tear apart or replace the principles and customs that have made us thrive?
Some Americans are single-issue voters, too: abortion, guns, “democracy,” climate, election integrity, safety and security, equity, etc. My single issue is more complex — yet also more basic.
From the presidency to school board races, from congress to serving as district attorney, candidates either believe that America is essentially great — and those things that made it great deserve support — or they believe Americans are flawed or America has caused those flaws or allowed those flaws to flourish.
This is how I screen candidates:
Do you view America as a flawed — if not harmful — force in the world and therefore hold that we should keep quiet, listen to international organizations, and dish out cash around the world to atone for our sins?
Do you support policies that will ensure that all Americans have a chance to reach their own potential? To pursue the American Dream? Or are you more focused on “equity” — that everyone should come out the same, either artificially holding some down or “lifting” some up? Do you understand that capitalism works — economically and morally, or do you want to pursue socialism, or some cosmetically cleaned up version like “democratic socialism?”
From this flows other policies from tax rates to school choice. Do you want to empower people or do you think government knows best? Does the path to success, independence, and financial and emotional happiness come from an opportunity to succeed and reach that goal on your own, or by the government picking winners and losers, handing out checks because their system failed you?
Similarly, do you believe in the rule of law? That legislators make laws, the executive enforces them, and that judges are to be “umpires” not “players?” Do you believe bureaucrats are administrators of the written law or “experts” whose views count more than legislators?
And, do you believe that government should keep Americans safe by protecting the “good guys” from the “bad guys,” whether that bad guys are murderers or carjackers who were born in Pennsylvania or Columbia? Or do you think the criminal justice system needs to “understand” why a rapist attacked your daughter? Or that our border needs to be open to allow almost anyone claiming “asylum” to come in — and we’ll figure it out later…at their hearing in 2027?
Do you understand that we are blessed with the technology, fossil fuels, and minerals to make the United States and our true allies independent and safe, and that we have a duty to use them responsibly? Or are you more addicted to the climate cult and willing to have Americans freeze, eat less, or be dependent on Russia, Saudi Arabia or China to even hope to maintain a “livable” lifestyle? Are you willing to endanger or even throw away our economic and national security — and figure it out later?
Do you embrace the First Amendment or think the government should monitor your speech? Do you believe in individual liberties, or do you believe that “experts” know best?
Do you embrace the quintessential American approach of common sense and focus on results, or do you advocate for things that are demonstrably harmful, irresponsible or just flat out wrong — all because you have an agenda to pursue?
In the last two decades, we have entered a new political and cultural phase where we don’t simply debate tax rates; rather, it’s socialism versus capitalism. We don’t debate how to strengthen the family; some politicians and their allies make up new definitions of family and suggest that government knows more than parents — and that children know more than parents. We’ve had presidents that say that while China or Iran are flawed; so is America. Sure, but that’s like saying that tax evasion, rape, and murder are all crimes.
The issues are many and the positions are often radically different and diametrically opposed.
At their core, it comes down to this: Is America a great — albeit imperfect — society with a Constitution, principles, and customs that are to be preserved and promoted? Or are we inherently flawed and need to apologize for our history and pull apart our pillars — if not replace the whole society?
I’ve made my decision. You?
Guy Ciarrocchi is a Senior Fellow at the Commonwealth Foundation. He writes for Broad + Liberty and RealClear Pennsylvania. Follow Guy at @PaSuburbsGuy.
The sins against hope are presumption and despair. Faith, Hope, and Love. I’m trying not to presume or despair. Authority has its limits and most of our current leaders have turned away from God. A citizen should love his country, be sincerely interested in its welfare, and respect and obey its lawful authority. We must respect and obey the lawful authority of our country because it comes from God, the Source of all authority.
The Visigoths originally lived in what is now Eastern Europe, near the Black Sea. They were part of a larger group of Goths, which included the Ostrogoths. In the late 4th century, they began moving westward due to pressure from the Huns and other groups. The Visigoths famously sacked Rome in 410 AD under their leader, Alaric. It was a significant moment in history, and evidence of the decline of Roman power.
In 1776, the United States of America was slowly created by truly great men. Washington was trained and disciplined by his family, and he followed in their footsteps. The other founding fathers also had certain privilege and training. They rejected their government of the time and those corrupt authorities and insisted on rights via violence, and persisted, despite great struggle. Now, 250 years later, we are arguing if we are “allowed” to question why we locked ourselves down in PA because we listened to advice from a biological male who claimed he was a woman. And we literally just invited in millions of modern-day “Visigoths” into our borders. We have a lot of work to do. Being able to defend ourselves is a good place to focus. Then we can show love for our neighbor by respecting them and not injuring them in any way.
I like you and admire your principles, but I must say, like most Republicans, you miss the mark: what we are currently seeing is the class warfare of elites/rich against common. Their mode of operation has always been about socialism for the rich: they have always engineered societal systems in their favor and against common people. The current collapse of human liberty in the West is expedient because of all the flagrant and brazen crimes elites/the rich have perpetrated against the masses, who they deem as assess. These psychopathic elites keep us divided, and full-throttle use all social institutions as weapons against us through systems engineering popularly stolen from military science as asymmetric warfare. Prices are kept artificially high through scarcity so liberty is toppled and the law of the fist is maintained and elites keep their boots on our throats forever. You and everyone else needs to understand these fascists with their Zionist mafias (most Zionists are Christian dupes) are playing for keeps. Come to Truth Freedom Health Open House and learn how the Swarm’s power hierarchy based on system science can be shattered:
I miss working on your campaign. Those were the days my friend!
Mr. Ciarrocchi never paid attention in history class where the approach of my country right or wrong has caused more problems in the long run. We have seen it in the past;
1. The Chinese Exclusion Act
2. Slavery, the subsequent Jim Crow Laws, and the harassment and killings inflected on the Civil Rights Movement
3. The internment of 120,000 Japanese Americans during WWII, 60% of who were American citizens, who lost everything they owned including homes and businesses. With no credible threat of espionage or spying and the Munson Report that proved there was no threat was buried.
4.The S.S. St Louis
5. And my personal favorite, the McCarthy Hearings. Where peoples lives, families, and careers were destroyed because of their political belief they might have had in the past. All because Senator Joseph McCarthy didn’t want his aide drafted into the U.S. Army.
I know that many of the statements Mr. Ciarrocchi has made are false and misleading, nothing more than red meat to inflame issues that do not exist. Or in terms he will understand “fake news”. Those who do not learn from history are not doomed to repeat it, they are just doomed.