With Delaware County’s proposed 23 percent tax increase set to be voted on this week, and with the county’s legal fees playing a role in that increase, Broad + Liberty is providing this overview of the many pending legal cases in which the county is involved. It is intended only […]
Wally Nunn: Delco council can’t fool all of the people all of the time
The Delaware County Council has concluded that its citizens just fell off a turnip truck. They think that they can tell us magical fairy tales and, like a bunch of five-year-olds, we will just believe. On November 1, the executive director delivered to Council a proposed budget — more about […]
Amanda D’Alessandro: Does Pennsylvania’s Department of Education know what a woman is?
What is a woman? This is the question Democrats have been avoiding answering. They have been working to reframe gender, claiming that being a man or woman has less to do with biology than one’s subjective identity. On the one hand, the Left wants us to believe in a version […]