One of the seats on the Delaware County Jail Oversight Board reserved for citizens is filled by a man who runs a behavioral health company that has made millions recently from county contracts. Brian Corson runs MPV Recovery, a local health care company that, according to its website “assists clients […]
Where did Republicans gain ground in the suburbs, Part I
We’ve already examined Donald Trump’s 2024 gains across the city of Philadelphia, but did those trends carry over to the suburbs? They did. In this article, we will examine the maps from Montgomery and Delaware Counties, two Democratic strongholds that were a little less Democratic for Kamala Harris last month. […]
GOP voter activist Scott Presler has a new target: the Pennsylvania Supreme Court
Scott Presler, the GOP voting registration activist who helped flip several Pennsylvania county voter rolls from Democratic to Republican majority — ultimately helping elect President-elect Donald Trump — now has a new target: the state Supreme Court. Sometimes known as the “Pied Piper of GOP voter registration,” Presler is campaigning […]
Sen. Lisa Boscola: When it comes to energy policy, Pennsylvania needs a reset
PJM is America’s largest transmission organization that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity across thirteen states, of which Pennsylvania is one. At its most recent wholesale capacity auction the cost of electricity went up 700 percent. Prices jumped from $29 to $270 per megawatt-day across the region. The size of the increase sent […]