Suburban voters receive threatening, anonymous letters

Local residents with Trump signs in their yards received what could be considered a threatening letter, signed by “Patriotic Citizen and a True American.” This anonymous letter, shown in its entirety below, includes not only inflammatory, and in some instances, false statements about Trump, but more concerning, it contains intimidating language.

“Your vote for this guy is seen as treading on my rights. You tread on me at your peril, motherf*****.” [edited for inappropriate language]

“Should your candidate win, the consequences will be staggering.”

“Your candidate is a felon, a rapist, desecrator, an immoral flawed man.”

“By supporting him, you are declaring your public support for a disregard of the law, civil discourse and unity.”

Broad + Liberty confirmed that letters were received by residents in all four collar counties — Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery — and some were received via U.S. mail and others were hand-delivered. Vanessa Maurer, an elected Supervisor in Warrington Township, Bucks County and a registered Republican, received the letter at her home via U.S. mail. 

While she was not surprised by the letter because she has received similar ones in the past few years, it was disturbing, nonetheless. “This is terrible. We should be able to express our conservative views and be able to serve our community without fear of retribution.”

Maurer said that she canvasses for Republican candidates every year, and in the past, people have been reluctant to get involved for fear of being canceled. “People don’t want to put up signs in their yard. They are worried about getting in trouble at work. Republican voters would tell us that they were voting for our candidates but they could not risk participating in any other way. It makes our job very difficult.”

She went on to explain that a small business owner in the community was threatened after she put a Trump sign in her yard.

In addition to the Trump letter, Maurer received a different mailing sent via U.S. mail to her as the Vice Chair of the Warrington Township Council. This one was addressed to Dave McCormick who is running for U.S. Senate and a vocal supporter of Trump. Shown in its entirety below, it was sent to at least the three other township supervisors who are registered Republicans. Maurer was told by a township employee that all the supervisors regardless of political affiliation received the mailing as well as some township employees.

“Your daughters are about the same size as E. Jean Carroll was when Donald Trump raped Carroll – but you and your wife refuse to criticize Trump’s rape of Carroll…..Your daughters must be so proud of you.”

Maurer was particularly dismayed about this letter sent to the township in her capacity as township supervisor. “As a supervisor, I am committed to serve all constituents regardless of their political affiliation. We should be able to work together.”

She describes these letters as voter intimidation, plain and simple. “These tactics have become commonplace in the past few years, and they have really impacted our elections. It is scary to get these mailings whether at home or work. I would never consider drafting a letter like this and I can’t understand the people who do.”

Maurer believes “the seeds of fearfulness have been watered to the point where people feel intimidated.”

It appears but is not confirmed that the first letter on the Trump letterhead was only sent to people with Trump signs in their yard. Maurer considers this behavior election interference. “What is the end goal to send these letters to conservatives? They are not talking about their platform, rather they are just attacking the other side and individual people. It is quite an operation to drive around and look for Trump signs and then put them on a mailing list.”

While Maurer is upset about the letters and their threatening nature, she remains optimistic because she feels a shift in people’s attitudes this year. “This is the first year in a long time that people are more comfortable to stand up and speak out.” She said more people are willing to put up signs this year than previously despite the attacks.

Beth Ann Rosica resides in West Chester, has a Ph.D. in Education, and has dedicated her career to advocating on behalf of at-risk children and families. She covers education issues for Broad + Liberty. Contact her at

Editor’s note:  At this time, it is unknown who is sending these letters, and whether it is an individual or a group, or if the local letters are part of a larger campaign. It is also unknown the political affiliation of the individual or organizations — the letters may be generated from progressives, anti-Trump forces, or even someone attempting to make Trump’s opponents look bad. Regardless of who orchestrated the letter, we at Broad + Liberty strongly condemn these actions. We will continue to investigate the matter, and if anyone has more information, please email us at

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8 thoughts on “Suburban voters receive threatening, anonymous letters”

    1. I agree. The lies told by AON, Fox News, and others about Trump winning the election and voter fraud led to January 6th.

    2. Yes and no. Hillary has played her part too. Her scorned and distraught minions did the letter folding and envelope stuffing. Those wannabe Weather(wo)men with their Geritol and Arnica Gel who missed Chicago 68 and Woodstock. I can’t wait to see them in their walkers marching down Broad Street wearing their keffiyehs after Trump wins.

  1. The spewing of hate filled drivel such as this is not the Provence of any specific organization. It is the product of people in the aggregate who adhere to a pathetic, fanatical belief in power, control and righteousness. That includes the darlings of the Left, Right, Center and the full spectrum of religious freaks. This kind of crap is only stopped by good parenting, good education and a media that is a reporter of facts rather than propaganda.

  2. When the Philadelphia congregation Mikveh Israel sought to raise money to construct a synagogue, Ben Franklin not only signed the appeal; he donated £5 to the effort. In 1938 supporters of New York Gov. Herbert H. Lehman, who was running for reelection in a bitter campaign against New York County Republican District Attorney Thomas E. Dewey, had come up with a novel use for a FAKE anti-Jewish quote attributed to Ben Franklin. Although Lehman was Jewish, on the eve of the election, in an effort to siphon Jewish votes away from Dewey, his loyalists apparently distributed mimeographed copies of the quote to thousands of Jewish voters in Manhattan and Brooklyn in forged Dewey campaign envelopes. Dewey’s campaign manager was quick to decry “the lengths to which desperation has driven certain elements of the opposition party.” But those lengths might have made the difference in the election, which Lehman won by only 1.4% of the vote. This stuff is nothing new – but still unacceptable. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fanatics out there. the BLM rioters are just itching to have another excuse. And violence is never the answer. We can look to the concerted effort from communists in the 1980s onward to make sure everyone is “politically correct” which has cowered conservatives voices and common sense. We should have never listened to PA state secretary of health, Levine, regarding Covid shutdowns. And in a saner society Levine’s confusion about basic ideas would have been obvious to everyone and no one would have listened to what history has now shown was terrible advice. Levine knew it in real time and moved a loved one out of harm’s way while pushing dangerous ideas onto others. Levine was promoted by the oligarchs and big business which benefitted by trillions.

  3. This is exactly why I will not have any signs on my lawn. One it’s nobody’s business who I’m voting for as my ballot is private and confidential. But I also do not need any backlash from any idiots who decided to take the law into their own hands

  4. Did the psycho leftist letter writer have difficulty with the proper use of ‘to, too, two’? Did they re-state completely debunked fairy tales of racism and disparaging our armed forces by Donald Trump?
    I think I know who it is…

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