A message on this special day, the 231st birthday of the U.S. Constitution and the FIRST birthday of Broad + Liberty.
By Bill McSwain
Todd Shepherd: US Atty McSwain — “Krasner’s lenient policies responsible for murder of 7-year-old”
US Attorney William McSwain holds District Attorney Larry Krasner responsible for seven year-old Zamar Jones’ death, as homicides continue to soar in Philadelphia.
By Todd Shepherd
Linda A. Kerns: We must protect the rule of law because it exists to protect us
Local neighborhood Civic Associations, as well as the Fraternal Order of Police, side with US Attorney William M. McSwain in opposing Safe Injection Sites.
By Linda A. Kerns
Linda A. Kerns: When judges rewrite legislation, we lose freedom to govern ourselves
We, the people, make the laws in a representative democracy.
By Linda A. Kerns
Linda A. Kerns: Relocation is not an option – No Philadelphia neighborhood wants a “Safe” Injection site in their backyard
When Philadelphians were blindsided with a decision to open a “safe” injection site in their neighborhood, the outrage was deafening. But if Safehouse has no place in South Philly, why is it acceptable in Kensington, or any other Philadelphia neighborhood?
By Linda A. Kerns