I don’t much care when non-Catholics hurl insults at us. I mean, I do care, but it’s not all that significant because there is a long history of bigotry against the faith. My dad went down South to Mississippi in 1967 to help register voters, and when the people found out […]
Thom Nickels: Dignity, Courage, and the Church
The competing visions for gay Catholics has a Philadelphia connection.
by Thom Nickels
Christine Flowers: The Rosary is a symbol of love, not hate
Anti-Catholic sentiments are uttered aloud when they used to be whispered — a troubling trend in our pluralist society.
By Christine Flowers
Saving closed churches from the wrecking ball
Brody Hale works to preserve Catholic churches — as churches, not condominiums.
By Thom Nickels
Colleen Hroncich: Pandemic demonstrates the value of Catholic education
Catholic schools have provided a much-needed lifeline to thousands of children across the nation. Restrictive education policies, however, prevent our most vulnerable populations from reaping the benefits.
By Colleen Hroncich
Christine Flowers: Lessons on religious persecution for today’s Covid-19 church shutdowns
As a nation that celebrates religious freedom, how will we cope with the new limitations on public worship? By Christine Flowers
Steven McGuire: Archbishop Chaput has led Philly archdiocese by truth, faith and example
During these difficult times of change, Catholics have been able to count on Archbishop Chaput as a model of holiness and stability.
By Steven F. McGuire