As members of one of America’s most trusted health-care professions, certified registered nurse anesthetists have served on the front lines of patient care for more than 150 years, and we continue to answer the call to keep our patients safe and communities healthy. This week, Jan. 19-26, marks “National CRNA […]
Jeff Hurvitz: Insurance anger has no easy answer
Insurance is a concept which dates back to around 1750 BC, when the Babylonians set up a system to safe guard the arrival of ships at sea. The U.S. initiated its version by the 1760’s. It has always existed as the Law Of Large Numbers, a structure based on a sizeable pool […]
Emily Greene: Congress should pass site-neutral policies to lower patient costs and improve access
Voters may not have ranked health care as a top concern in last month’s elections, but the ever-increasing cost of care means policymakers are going to have to address the issue sooner than later. Next year, employer health premiums are expected to jump nine percent, meaning insurance premiums could cost […]