Guy Ciarrocchi: Being a Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry

Because the Democrat party has been taken over by the Left, because adherence to their ideology is required, and because they are partnered with most media outlets, Democrats are allowed to be wrong on policy. They can cause harm and never have to say they’re sorry.

Here are the predictable stages in their push to impose their ideology on us, and to cover up the inevitable and predictable mess they create.

First, they impose a policy, based on cult-like devotion to their religious tenets. To them, they’re “right.” They see a problem — frequently a “problem” that most of us don’t see. Often, they call it a “crisis,” and they have the only answer and, therefore, must prevail. For example, the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 as the “necessary” and only way to deal with the virus. (Sometimes, they actually impose a policy and claim they aren’t. Such as loosening the security at the southern border, while claiming to secure the border — despite our eyes and cameras telling us otherwise.)

Second, they deny there are harmful effects — after doing something many adults with common sense would know will cause harmful effects before even doing it. For example, paying people not to work in 2020 and 2021, leading to a workforce shortage and supply chain interruptions resulting in empty store shelves and higher prices. Like the old country music song; “Who do you believe, me or your lying eyes?”

Third, they deny there’s a cause and effect connection between their policy and the actual harms that most Americans recognize come from imposing their obviously wrong-headed policy. For example, a year of chanting and rallying for “defund the police” — and then crime rises and cops retire.

Fourth, when the problem becomes so obvious that they have to deal with it, blame someone else — anyone else. Republicans, Big Business, the Russians. And say it over and over and over again. For example, the rise in gasoline prices starting in 2021 through today — it was Putin’s fault. The truth? It’s due to their policies causing supply chain issues, workforce shortages and policies to end fossil fuels.

Fifth, when all else fails and the problem is obvious and needs to be addressed, pass out taxpayer money to those harmed by their policies — despite them causing the problems and trying to  blame others. For example, sending out checks to taxpayers to help us deal with inflation caused by their policies. (And, by the way, inflation only gets worse by sending out checks.)

When it works, Democrats get the best of all worlds. They get to impose their ideology. When harm is caused — by accident, or as a “necessary result” to advance a greater cause (e.g., green energy), they blame others for the harm. And then, they get to be the saviors. Not by fixing the problem and repealing their policies, but by sending out cash, refunds, tax credits, etc., to address the effects and being the “compassionate” heroes saving the day.

Just over the last several years, we have been subjected to variations of these stages on a variety of left-wing policies that many of us opposed and most Americans recognized would create far more obvious harm than any potential good.

During Covid. When they locked us down, paid people not to work, and kept our children out of school. Then they were “shocked” that there were supply chain interruptions, empty store shelves, workforce shortages, and children with falling test scores, weakened social skills, and rising anxiety. The “solution” was to send more and more dollars to more and more people and more and more government agencies and school districts. (Then, we get inflation — by spending more than a full annual budget in just over a year, in addition to the annual budget.)

Rising crime. Politicians marching with “Defund the Police” protestors. Then excusing violence and destruction. Then District Attorneys — like in Philadelphia — who see their job as freeing criminals and allowing shoplifting to go unpunished, and instituting “no cash” bail. (Who would’ve expected increased violent crime and empty city centers? And police retiring and departments being short-staffed. Who? Anyone with common sense and real-world experience.)

Inflation. Biden institutes policies — as do many Democrat governors — that slow or stop the exploration for oil and natural gas. Biden gives speeches about ending fossil fuels. His counterparts in governors’ mansions announce similar policies or draconian tax policies on creating or using fossil fuels. 

Producing less of a product makes it more expensive. And having to import more (and sometimes dirtier) oil from Russia, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia is more expensive than using our own. (And risks national security.)

And failing to realize that all food, all products and the things needed to grow, process and assemble products for our nation’s food supply is intertwined with fossil fuels — from fertilizer to operating factories and transporting and shipping it to store shelves, warehouses, and our homes.

Then, pump an extra $4 trillion in spending — including paying people not to work and telling them they didn’t have to pay their student loans, rent or mortgages until 2022 — even if they personally were not harmed because they could work from home.

Slow energy exploration now — and threaten its future. Pay people not to work. Dump trillions into the economy — and tell many that they don’t have to pay their bills.

Well, a high school student studying economics would tell you that all of that would lead to inflation. Big time.

And, of course, it’s never their fault. 

We’re being treated to an unending stream of Orwellian terms from our friends on the Left to try to excuse away the inflation they created. “Greed-flation.” “Shrink-flation.” The tried and true “corporate greed.”

We see the pattern. We know the problems. And, hopefully, most of us know who caused the problems.  

The question is whether we will hold them accountable or buy their lies and cover-ups—and keep cashing the checks they send out, paid for by our grandkids.

Guy Ciarrocchi is a Senior Fellow with the Commonwealth Foundation. He writes for Broad + Liberty and RealClear Pennsylvania. Follow Guy at @PaSuburbsGuy

5 thoughts on “Guy Ciarrocchi: Being a Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry”

  1. All true but let us not forget that Trump pushed lockdowns, as well as so-called “criminal justice reform” which put more criminals in the streets. He did very little to combat the violence in the summer of 2020, allowing the federal courthouse in Portland to be attacked for weeks on end. The $3 trillion CARES Act passed on his watch caused the national debt to skyrocket. Republicans should have nominated DeSantis who is a true conservative and has a solid record of accomplishment in Florida.

  2. Also Trump sent checks to essentially every taxpaying family in America during COVID whether they had sustained a financial loss or not. Moreover, Trump’s position on baby murder is now essentially “pro-choice”. Trump may be a lesser evil than most Democrats but he’s still evil. It’s frustrating that he still has such a large army of sycophants that idolize him.

  3. “First, they impose a policy, based on cult-like devotion to their religious tenets.” – The only people trying to impose cult like devotion to religious tenants are Conservative Christian Republicans and the only cult is the one about Trump. To the point that he can get bill he does not like canceled.
    “Second, they deny there are harmful effects — after doing something many adults with common sense would know will cause harmful effects before even doing it. For example, paying people not to work in 2020 and 2021, leading to a workforce shortage and supply chain interruptions resulting in empty store shelves and higher prices. ” You mean when Trump declared a national lock down due to highly virulent disease for which there was no treatment or vaccine that killed one million Americans.

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