Christine Flowers: Carolyn Carluccio is not just a woman

I watch a lot of television at night. I come home, collapse onto my sofa, and turn on whatever channel interests me at any given moment. Tonight, I’ll probably check in on the Golden Bachelor to see which grandmothers are getting the ax this week. (I say this with the full knowledge that at least five of those grandmothers are younger than me.)

And in between those shows, I see a lot of commercials, most of which seem to revolve around pharmaceuticals to make my life better and companies that send food to my door because I’m too lazy to actually go to the store and buy a Lean Cuisine.

But since it’s election season, I’m now treated to a lot of campaign ads designed to influence my vote. And there are apparently no male voters this year because pretty much every single ad that I see is intent on scaring my uterus out of me.

READ MORE — Christine Flowers: Restoring Columbus Day

I’m particularly amused by the attack ads that have been run against Judge Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio, who is seeking a seat on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Judge Carolyn Carluccio has an impressive resume that includes work as a federal prosecutor, a public defender, and fourteen years on the Court of Common Pleas in Montgomery County. She is a Republican who somehow managed to win the votes of her Democratic colleagues to become the first female President Judge in the history of Montco.

Plus, with a name like Carolyn Tornetta Carluccio, she appeals to my Italian side. I actually met Judge Carluccio at a dinner where she was honored for her dedication to her Italian roots. It was with surprise and delight that I discovered that she, like me, is also half-Irish Catholic, something she proudly announces on her campaign website.

There is something inspiring about a person who doesn’t try to hide her background in an age where that might push some people away. For that reason alone, I admire her.

But I don’t admire her because she’s a woman, or because she did this thing first as a woman, or because I think that she will represent me, also a woman and an attorney, and Italian, Irish, and Catholic, better than someone with whom I don’t share those attributes.

And that is why I really resent those ads that want me to vote against her because of her presumed position on abortion. I don’t think Judge Carolyn Carluccio has made a secret of the fact that she is personally anti-abortion, but that doesn’t have anything to do with how she will rule from the bench if the issue ever comes before her.

It’s time to stop pandering and let women make up our own minds about what really matters.

But her opponent’s supporters seem to feel that every woman should march in lockstep behind Planned Parenthood and shun the candidate who isn’t wearing a T-shirt that screams “I’m Proud of My Abortion.” They must think that every woman who is considering her vote in the upcoming election will refuse to consider anyone who doesn’t think that abortion is a human right.

It’s insulting, and it makes me feel as if I’m not taken seriously because I might be pro-life, even though I have a law degree and almost three decades of experience under my belt. It completely discounts the fact that I can think with an organ other than my uterus.

Women care about a lot of things that don’t have to do with so-called reproductive health, the most important of which is crime. Women are more susceptible to being victims of crime than men, and we want to know that the people we elect to high public office put a premium on our safety. Carolyn Carluccio has a proven record in prosecuting felony drug and weapons cases, and that is much more important to me than where she stands on whether a woman can become unpregnant in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

I know that a lot of people disagree with me on abortion, and that’s fine. I’m just annoyed that there is this presumption that if you don’t make this topic the number one talking point with female voters, you will lose us. It’s quite the opposite: assuming that we are all pro-choice is a surefire way to lose a key demographic, in much the same way that the Democrats have traditionally taken the immigrant vote for granted during a period when that vote is becoming increasingly conservative.

So tonight, when I settle in to see which granny gets the rose and which one is sent home with a year’s subscription to AARP, I hope I don’t have to suffer through any more of those stupid ads that condemn a brilliant jurist for what they think her position is on abortion.

It’s time to stop pandering and let us make up our own minds about what really matters.

Christine Flowers is an attorney and lifelong Philadelphian. @flowerlady61

9 thoughts on “Christine Flowers: Carolyn Carluccio is not just a woman”

  1. If abortion wasn’t an issue for Christian Flowers she wouldn’t write about it in every single column and slam girls and woman as “baby killers”. I will vote against this judge who will deny girls and women in Pennsylvania a safe and legal abortion. I will NEVER vote for any candidate who thinks the government should punish girls and women for their private choices.

  2. There will always be those who think for themselves and do the research prior to voting.
    On the other hand, we have the crowd who wait to be told who to vote for by organizations like unions who have a grip on folks incapable of thinking for themselves.

  3. To this day, Christine has so little self awareness, she is incapable of realizing how she exposes her lack of critical thinking skills. In this, yet another mindless opinion, she takes a dozen+ paragraphs to simply say 1: Abortion is wrong under any circumstances. 2: I’m Italian / Irish but I like to pretend I’m mostly Italian. 3. I’m Catholic and that’s the best. 4: I’m going to vote for Carluccio because she’s Irish / Italian / Catholic and that really matters when electing a politician.

  4. I am really annoyed with the ad hominem attacks that clutter up what should be a rational debate about serious matters. I am interested in the poster’s thoughts about the issue posted. I don’t care about someone’s opinion on the poster’s personal attributes. Thesis, Antithesis and Synergy.

    1. That’s an easy fix. Don’t read the comments at the bottom of the op-ed and especially avoid any of Christine’s Tweets..

  5. The comments are where discourse begins. Without the opinions of others, there is no dialogue and no understanding. I am, however, pointing out that ad hominem comments with few or no issue comments does not further dialogue or understanding.

  6. I so look forward to Peg’s personal deranged attacks when a Flowers article appears.
    Rent free, Peg. Rent free.

  7. For instance, in addition to abortion, a lot of women care about the welfare of children. Like the 10 year old rape victim who had to flee Ohio to a free state so she wouldn’t have to carry her rapist’s baby or the 13 year old in MS who was forced by big government politicians to carry her rapist’s baby.

  8. I am fortunate, or not, in getting to read Ms. Flower’s Guest Column in the Yuma Sun in the winter months. One most recent, warmed my heart. She commented that she may have to give up politics because her female repubs are abandoning her in favor of protecting their legal right to abortions.
    As it should be, bodily autonomy., whether it meets her personal opinion or Not.

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