Suburban leaders blast Philadelphia DA Krasner for crime wave
(The Center Square) — Suburban Philadelphia legislators and law enforcement officials lambasted the city’s crime policies, blaming District Attorney Larry Krasner for not prosecuting criminals.
“My district has seen an increase in crime in our area — a majority of which is not even committed by Bensalem residents but by individuals crossing over the border from Philadelphia,” Rep. Kathleen C. Tomlinson, R-Bensalem, said during a House GOP Policy Committee hearing on crime.
Tomlinson said she had a “rude awakening” about crime levels in her district once she was elected.
“It is clear that our cities are spiraling out of control, businesses are leaving, people don’t feel safe, our police are being targeted, and innocent lives are being lost,” she said.
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Jennifer Schorn, the first assistant district attorney of Bucks County, echoed Tomlinson.
“There is no question that the crime spree in Philadelphia spills over into border towns and border counties,” Schorn said. “Thankfully, we’re able to address that, but that does not mean we should accept that this is how we should live our lives.”
She noted a rise in catalytic converter thefts, robberies, mail thefts, a “frightening” rise in carjackings, and crime related to the drug xylazine, a sedative also known as “tranq” because it’s used by veterinarians as an animal tranquilizer.
“There is no longer any sense of consequence from criminals,” William McVey, director of public safety for Bensalem Township, said about Krasner.
McVey has criticized Philadelphia’s driver equity law as a danger that undermines proactive police tactics and said 40 percent of the township’s arrests are of Philadelphia residents, up from 10% a few years ago.
He also derided “the decriminalization of crimes like retail theft by Mr. Krasner” and “the catch-and-release bail system” of Philadelphia.
“Without a system of justice that holds these criminals accountable and places more focus on victims of crime — which everyone forgets about — we will continue to be plagued by what we’re seeing play out on the streets of Philly and Bucks County,” McVey said.
All they do is wreak havoc on communities… and something has to change.
Though crime in Philadelphia has spiked since the pandemic, violent crime has started to fall in almost every category, sometimes significantly. Through August, the city had almost 100 fewer homicides in 2023 compared to a year ago and 200 fewer robberies with guns.
Yet trouble remains.
Dominic Varacallo, chief of police in Upper Southampton, noted that Philadelphia’s driver equity law would have prevented them from arresting someone charged with murder who was stopped for a tinted-window violation.
“It is sickening to read the criminal histories of these individuals and to know that law enforcement, time and time again, arrests these people. We have cops that are out there doing the right thing for the right reasons; they’re arresting these people, and they’re getting before judges that are releasing them back into the community,” Varacallo said. “All they do is wreak havoc on communities… and something has to change.”
Anthony Hennen is a reporter for The Center Square. Previously, he worked for Philadelphia Weekly and the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the managing editor of Expatalachians, a journalism project focused on the Appalachian region.
This article was republished with permission from The Center Square.
It took these officials in the suburbs this long to wake up how incompetent is that? As long as the Soros-backed DA’s are in place, the cancer destroying the cities is bound to spread to the surrounding areas. If you voted for the Soros-backed DA you are certainly entitled to reap the benefits of the ensuing lawlessness.
The surrounding municipalities and counties need to step up and show what effective law enforcement is all about.
Look at this way, Philly has been on the decline since Mayor Rizzo confronted The Black Panthers and MOVE I in 1978 due to my people’s insistence on embracing the wrong values based on a naive diaspora perspective of Africa! This first manifests itself by the parents foisting upon the poor microdot, either Afro-Islamic, Africanizing American given names & surnames Southern African Zulu/Xosa style or coming up with something ad-hoc that only the parent & maybe the kid can pronounce & win a spelling bee to spell, baggy pants that reveal their undies, Jeans that are holier than God, 🧀, or either bullet or ozone, coifs that make them look like the ancient Greek woman with snakes on top in place of their hair! Including guys wearing studs in their hair! To make it worse, they think it’s appropriate 😎 to conduct themselves as uncivilized! because being civilized is White European in their opine! Meanwhile, as they’re dreaming of an African Nirvana, the Africans are immigrating out of their benighted continent! & quite frankly I can’t say I blame them a bit!
Lol Soros backed. JeWIsh MaN BAd!
If you don’t like money in politics you can thank your Harlan crow, koch brothers, leonard Leo funded right-wing scotus “justices” for their Citizens United ruling!
Yawn, another biased right-wing hit piece. Don’t these criminals know that all they need to do is wave a trump flag while committing their crimes and their actions will be deemed “legitimate political discourse” worthy of presidential pardons?
Seriously though, maybe now isn’t the best time to be defunding our nation’s largest and most successful law enforcement agency like Republican radicals want. Just a thought.
For those of you who love criminal supporting DA’s give this a try.
Soros-Backed DA Carjacked At Gunpoint In Blue City
Here are all the legal justifications for Krasner’s removal from office (he was already impeached by the PA State House of Representatives). I encourage everyone to write to their PA State Senators to demand his removal:
1) Krasner defied a subpoena and was held in contempt of court (even many Democrats voted to hold him in contempt of court):
2) Krasner had massive illegal campaign finance violations ($2mm in funding from an out of state extremist Super PAC funded by George Soros): and illegally swayed the election as a result.
3) Many of the abuses of power and dereliction of duty actions occurred AFTER the election, thus dismantling the argument about voters having decided. See for countless examples.
4) PA is one of few states with no recall election ability so there is no other way to protect citizens from abuses of power and dereliction of duty activities of a politician but through the impeachment/removal process:
5) We have closed primaries here (read: undemocratic) so independents like myself can’t vote (voter suppression against the most moderate voter group).
These are ACTUAL legal justifications for his removal from office, not just him being “ineffective” at his job. It takes two minutes to contact your State Senators at the link below (see right most column):
To save you the trouble of looking it up yourself, their email addresses are as follows: (Nikil Saval), (Vincent Hughes), (Anthony Williams), (Christine Tartaglione), (Art Haywood), (Jimmy Dillon contact form), (Sharif Street contact form)
It’s time to tell our PA State Senate representatives that lawless Larry Krasner needs to go.