School Director Candidate Spotlight: Deana Wang — Tredyffrin/Easttown School District

The latest installment of our series of interviews with school director candidates across Pennsylvania brings us to the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District.

Deana Wang is running for school director in Region 2 of the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District, located in Chester County. She is a registered Republican and has a background as a business professional in the pharmaceutical industry.

Why are you running for school board?                 

“I immigrated from China to America in 1995 and have built my career based on the education I received here. As a resident of the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District for the past fifteen years, I have raised my children within the school system. I am motivated to give back to this community and country as a token of appreciation for the excellent education and the freedom to think and express myself that I have been granted.

“Over the years, I have observed the irresponsible handling of our school district budget, the denial of basic parental rights, and the neglect of addressing the root causes of educational disparities among our children by our current school board directors. This growing concern has led me to believe that the enforcement of a single ideology and the intolerance towards differing viewpoints are becoming normalized, ultimately tearing our community apart.

“By serving on the school board, I aspire to be a catalyst and a voice that reminds people of the importance of tolerance and fair representation. I firmly believe that these values are the key to our unity, and through collaboration, we can achieve strength, growth, and progress.”

What are the most important issues facing your district?

“Our current school board is heavily skewed towards one side, resulting in a lack of diversity in opinions and representation. Unfortunately, more than half of the district residents are not adequately represented by the current composition of the school board.

“The declining quality of education is evident through the drop in school rankings and standardized testing scores. It is concerning that 21.3% of third graders in our largest elementary school are below proficient in language arts, indicating a significant gap in educational achievement.

“Despite consistently operating with a surplus, our district budget has continued to increase for the past eighteen years. This raises concerns about the allocation of resources and the effectiveness of spending. With a per-pupil expenditure of $26,000, it is disheartening to see that our district’s ranking has declined despite the substantial investment.”

What is your professional background/experience? What skills would you bring to the board?

“I am a seasoned business professional with 24 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. I hold a Master’s in Chemistry and Business Administration, which has equipped me with a strong foundation in both technical and managerial skills. Leveraging my expertise in business management, I am confident in my ability to effectively oversee the school district budget, ensuring a responsible allocation of resources.

‘Furthermore, I am passionate about introducing innovative educational programs that will equip our children with the necessary skills to thrive in an ever-changing world. With my background in the pharmaceutical industry, I understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve and adapting to new advancements. I believe that by implementing forward-thinking educational initiatives, we can empower our students to be competitive and successful.

“Additionally, I am committed to working collaboratively with my liberal colleagues on the school board. I firmly believe that a goal-oriented and collaborative approach is essential in reaching the best solutions for our district community. By fostering open dialogue and leveraging diverse perspectives, we can create a positive and inclusive environment that benefits all stakeholders.

“Overall, my extensive experience in the business world, coupled with my educational background, positions me well to contribute to the success and growth of our school district.”

Have you run for political office previously? Have you been politically active?

“Yes. I ran for the same school board director position in 2021. I have been mostly involved in local public service by attending the school board meetings and supporting local non-profit organizations.”

Are you running with other candidates?

“Yes. I am blessed to run this campaign with four other like-minded candidates, Bogdan Rosca (Region 2), Yan Liu and Regina Mauro (Region 1) and Christina Laczko (Region 3). Please visit our website for more information.”

What is the most important role of the school board in your opinion?

“I believe that the school board’s most crucial role is to act as a guardian on behalf of community members. This involves diligently supervising the district’s administrative decisions to ensure they align with the best interests of the community and our children. It is essential for school board members to prioritize the needs of the people they represent, rather than pursue personal political agendas or ego-driven motives.

“Furthermore, it is vital for school board members to have a clear understanding of what true education should provide to our children. Education should go beyond imparting knowledge; it should empower students to become smarter, more skilled, and better prepared for their future career pursuits. By focusing on these goals, the school board can ensure that our children receive a well-rounded education that equips them for success in their personal and professional lives.

“In summary, the school board’s primary responsibilities are to serve as a watchful guardian for the community, to truly represent the people, and to prioritize the provision of quality education that prepares our children for their future endeavors.”

We contacted the Democratic and Republican committees in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Lancaster, Lehigh, and Montgomery counties and asked them to share the questions with their school director candidates. Broad + Liberty will post the responses throughout the summer to assist voters in learning about the candidates running in their district. The series is open to any school director on the ballot in November. Please contact for more information.

Broad + Liberty is a nonprofit media endeavor dedicated to sharing voices and stories that are shut out of other media outlets. @BroadAndLiberty

2 thoughts on “School Director Candidate Spotlight: Deana Wang — Tredyffrin/Easttown School District”

  1. Wow yet ANOTHER softball promotion piece for yet ANOTHER Republican party loyalist. B&L is so “free thinking” 🙄 And here I was beginning to think it was just another propaganda outlet for the far-right agenda and Republican party insider elites.

    1. I know you’re just a troll looking for attention, but if you reqd all of these posts you’ll see that there are some democrats mixed in, as well. The lines at the end of the article say they’ve reached out to both parties

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