Ben Mannes: Details emerge about suspect in Southwest Philly mass shooting

The suspect arrested in connection with a shooting in Southwest Philadelphia on Monday night has been identified by Philadelphia Police as 40-year-old Kimbrady Watson Carriker, according to the Philadelphia Police Homicide Unit’s “White Paper” debriefing the department on the case. PPD sources confirm that Carriker was arrested on Monday evening after allegedly shooting eight and killing five people, including two children in the Kingsessing neighborhood of Southwest Philadelphia. 

Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said law enforcement responded to gunfire in the vicinity of South 56th Street and Chester Avenue shortly before 8:30 p.m. Police say people called 911 to report a shooting and others flagged down officers. Police say at least 50 shots were fired at the scene and multiple vehicles were struck. Around ten minutes later, police followed and cornered the suspect in an alleyway on the 1600 block of South Frazier Street.  

“Our officers were able to apprehend the male in the rear alley of 1600 Frazier Street, and when they did, this male was wearing a bulletproof vest with multiple magazines. He also had a [police] scanner, an AR-style rifle and a handgun,” Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said.

“We believe because of where he was found and where his house is on 56th Street, and the fact that we found ballistic evidence that matches the ballistic evidence we found on the street a few hours earlier, we believe this homicide is related,” Philadelphia Police Chief Inspector Scott Small said.

The two injured children were taken to an area hospital where they were placed in stable condition.

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This is not the first time I have covered senseless mass shootings, nor is it the first time I have written about how a rush to portray a narrative has stopped us from finding a sensible way to address this issue. There are already laws in place to prevent a mentally unstable person from getting a firearm and security measures that can be taken by communities to mitigate these concerns. But these tasks are continually lost on politicians and the media, who prefer the easier expedient of pointing  a finger at a particular group or ideology — always the wrong way to address a problem. 

Normally, when a horrific active shooter incident occurs, the media is quick to pivot to a narrative of right-wing extremism, bigotry, or gun control. How this plays out will largely depend on how the narrative conflicts with Carriker’s public Facebook page, showing photos of Carriker, a transgender person, in repeated posts in support of Black Lives Matter, and the Black Lives Matter Philly Facebook page. “Black lives matter today; there will be jobs available. Equal opportunity finally. Just tell us where your quitting so we can send someone over,” Carriker wrote in one Facebook comment responding to a story of workers going on a Strike for Black Lives. The page is now locked, but screenshots here and on other news sites tell the tale.

But the suspect’s public postings are not so easy to pigeonhole. In addition to the BLM activity, Carriker also expressed support for Donald Trump and criticized Joe Biden. Perhaps instead of fitting into any left- or right-wing stereotype of a mass murderer, Carriker is just a deeply disturbed individual along multiple axes.

Outlaw said that no connection was immediately known between the victims and the shooter, and that a motive for the shooting is not yet known. Law enforcement cannot conclude, therefore, whether the active shooter incident was a result of a dangerous mental health episode, or possibly politically motivated through the suspect’s potential radicalization pursuant to the racial or trans activism exhibited in their social media activity.

[A]ny violence based on racial, gender, religious, or political ideologies is a form of terrorism, a crime, and a form of radicalization that needs to be stopped immediately.

While the vast majority of active shooter incidents in the past have been carried out by cisgender white males, last night’s attack would mark the fifth such shooting in as many years in which a suspect identified as transgender. While this in no way is meant to portray the trans community as dangerous, the uptick in these incidents in Uvalde, Denver, Aberdeen, Nashville, and now Philadelphia may be correlated to a consistent portrayal by the media and politicians associating public debate on such issues with violence.

Preceding the Philadelphia shooting, Carriker posted to Facebook a story titled “how do you know if an evil spirit is following you,” as well as one titled “Philly anti-violence grant program shows promising results, despite some hiccups, new evaluation shows” along with one of a person holding a flintlock pistol with the text “wherefor art thou opposition so I may slide upon thine block and runneth down on thee.” 

While the slogan “Silence is Violence” has regularly appeared in both trans and Black Lives Matter protests around the world, some have sounded the alarm that this ideology is a danger to free speech, which on July 4 serves as a reminder that this freedom is at the center to liberty and against oppression. However, as political talking points and media coverage on issues like the recent ruling on affirmative action and state legislation on transgender issues, it is important to keep an eye on how these political narratives may be radicalizing individuals who may be suffering from mental illness. 

As a safety and risk professional, it is important to recognize that all groups have radical elements that need to be rooted out, and any violence based on racial, gender, religious, or political ideologies is a form of terrorism, a crime, and a form of radicalization that needs to be stopped immediately. This is why, in the wake of this senseless act of violence occurring on the eve of our nation’s birthday in the birthplace of America, our leaders should be finding ways to put politics aside and bring us together, so we can show each other our humanity and help those who may be suffering.

A. Benjamin Mannes, MA, CPP, CESP, is a Subject Matter Expert in Security & Criminal Justice Reform based on his own experiences on both sides of the criminal justice system. He has served as a federal and municipal law enforcement officer and was the former Director, Office of Investigations with the American Board of Internal Medicine. @PublicSafetySME

8 thoughts on “Ben Mannes: Details emerge about suspect in Southwest Philly mass shooting”

  1. The Uvalde shooter was not trans and then the photo the author linked to is NOT him. This has been debunked repeatedly. Typical Broad and Liberty research! Let’s use an uncredited Reddit photo as a source.

  2. A B&L article on the number/percentage of mass killers who are or were on mind altering drugs – either illegal or prescribed – and those long suspected of exhibiting mental health problems would clarify why mental illness/drugs v guns is the core problem accounting for these tragedies.

  3. Wait a few days, or a few months, and just about EVERYTHING initially reported in the news is wrong. Here are two very recent examples:
    1. U.S. nonfarm payrolls for May 2023 were just revised down from 339,000 to 306,000 – wrong by over 10%. That’s your pension money being affected btw.
    2. This mentally insane person, Kimbrady, actually killed one of the five victims two days prior… wow. The entire story was wrong. “Police in Philadelphia revealed Sunday [June 9,] that one of the five victims they initially reported had been killed in a mass shooting that rocked the state this week was in fact killed nearly two days prior. Joseph Wamah, Jr. was still murdered by the suspected gunman, Kimbrady Carriker, Philadelphia police told The Daily Beast in a statement, but investigations following the mass shooting incident—where four people were shot dead in southwest Philadelphia on June 3 in a seemingly random act of violence—revealed that Wamah had been murdered on June 2, approximately 44 hours beforehand… Police cited an unidentified source, corroborated by the Philadelphia Medical Examiner’s Office, for the twist. They also cited “additional evidence,” including a 911 call at approximately 2:00 a.m. on the morning of 7/2/22 “reporting gunshots in the area of 1600 South 56th Street… when the 911 call was logged, the address was incorrectly logged as 1600 block of North 56th Street, instead of 1600 block of South 56th Street. When police arrived at the wrong address, predictably, they found nothing wrong.”

    1. There is a reason the news is called the first draft of history.

      I’m sure if they waited to report until they had 100% certainty of every angle and aspect you would not be happy with that either.

      Maybe quit your job and go be a reporter. Apparently, you believe there is plenty of room for obtainable improvement.

  4. What’s the take away from this article? Are we not suppose to point out when the crime is committed by a transgender person because it doesn’t fit the narrative of this administration? Are we only supposed to point out when a crime is committed by a white person because that will appease the woke left? Maybe we should not discuss any Supreme Court rulings because it may trigger someone to violence. Oh please. Do you really think anyone in that state of mind knows anything that is going on around him? Unfortunately the poor man is out of his mind. It seems that there are many people walking around on our streets who are. How can the people who lived with this guy and didn’t bother to tell anyone of his bizzare behavior be thinking? Do they get a free pass or should their mental capacity be questioned as well? Imagine living in a house where someone is exhibiting strange behaviors and NO ONE reports it. What fate should the person who incorrectly reported the address receive? It should be evident that gun laws don’t work. If they did we would not have an uptick in gun violence. We would be witnessing a downturn. Laws are only as effective as the people following them and it’s very clear to many of us that we are living the definition of insanity. You know keep doing the same things over and over again and expect a different outcome. What we need is a DA who will prosecute the criminals and institutionalize the insane. We need criminal control not gun control.

    1. Literally nobody said that we shouldn’t point out that a crime was committed by a transgender person.

      The point is that maybe violent political rhetoric is a big problem. (e.g. spreading debunked lies about a stolen election, condoning violent terror and cop killing as “legitimate political discourse” and then vowing to pardon the criminals, associating with organizations like Moms for Liberty which openly call for the assassination of the Commander in Chief of the United States etc.)

  5. “Could escalating and dramatized rhetoric be radicalizing those suffering from emotional health crises to the point of murder?”

    You mean like calling for the execution of elected officials? Spreading thoroughly debunked lies about a stolen election? Telling people that the government is run by a secret ring of pedophiles? Vowing to pardon violent criminals who attacked police officers?

    Of course, you don’t see a flood of conspiracy theories on the left about how this recent Philly shooting was a “false flag” to make the left look bad.

    And there isn’t a single Democrat who would say that these crimes were “legitimate political discourse” the way Republicans officially condoned the murder of a cop, dragging another one face first down a flight of stairs and bashing his head in with a fire extinguisher, looting and smashing property, and smearing feces on the wall as “legitimate political discourse”.

    There isn’t a single Democrat who would say the shooter is a “political prisoner” who should be pardoned.

    If the right is sincerely concerned about political violence and the rhetoric that drives it and not just feigning outrage and making another completely disingenuous argument here are the facts on extremism and violence:

    Go ahead attack fivethirtyeight for being too left leaning or whatever instead of addressing the facts it states. But don’t complain when Americans don’t take the right seriously when they complain about politically motivated violence.

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