School Board Series: Roslyn Copeland — Harrisburg School District, Dauphin County

In 2021, hundreds of new school board members were elected across the state and began their four year term. This December marks the one year anniversary for those new board members. I reached out to a number of newly elected board members and asked them to share some of their experiences since taking office.

Today, we’re spotlighting Roslyn Copeland. Copeland is a school board director serving the Harrisburg School District in Dauphin County.

1. What have you enjoyed the most about being a school board director?

So far, I’ve enjoyed being able to be another voice for the community and participating to embrace the change.

2. What surprised you the most when you joined the board?

The surprise was continuing receivership for another three years with a new receiver.

3. What do you like the least about being a school board member?

Being in receivership gives me very few voting rights as an elected official.

4. How much time do you spend monthly on board duties? 

At least 6–10 hours a month.

5. Do you have school-age children? 


6. If yes, do they attend the district where you serve?


7. Knowing what you know now, would you have still run for office last year?


8. Do you think you will run again when your term is over?


9. Were you welcomed to the board by other board members?


10. How much communication do you have with your constituents?

About three hours a month.

11. Anything else you would like to share?

We need more parents and residents showing up to board meetings because every voice is important.

Beth Ann Rosica holds a Ph.D. in Education and has dedicated her career advocating on behalf of underserved children and families. She owns a consulting business and lives with her family in West Chester, Pa.

One thought on “School Board Series: Roslyn Copeland — Harrisburg School District, Dauphin County”

  1. An interesting set of responses from a board member of a school district that is in receivership. This is a new perspective and perhaps reflects the reduction in the demands on local leadership once the state takes over. Please continue this series.

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