Gubernatorial Candidate Spotlight: Women’s Sports

And we’re back with Broad + Liberty’s Candidate Spotlight Series! Each week, we reach out to candidates all across the Commonwealth up for election to public office — an equal number of Democrats and Republicans; incumbents and challengers. We ask one question per week about public policy pressing to you. Those who choose to respond will have their answers shared on our website every Wednesday through Sunday. (Please see a special statement on unresponsive candidates here.)

Today, Pennsylvania’s nominees for governor discuss the future of women’s sports in Pennsylvania.

If you are a candidate for public office in Pennsylvania and would like to participate, please reach out to

This week’s question: The International Swimming Federation (FINA) recently voted to enact a new policy that will restrict most transgender athletes from competing in elite women’s aquatics competitions. Do you think that decision is a model for other women’s sports in Pennsylvania?

Josh Shapiro (D)

I understand the concerns about fairness in sports — every parent wants their children competing on an even playing field, and I feel the same way as a dad and as a coach of my own kids’ teams. Ensuring fairness needs to be resolved by the sports experts at the PIAA, not the politicians in Harrisburg.

Come back later this week to read a response from Josh Shapiro’s running mate, Austin Davis.

Doug Mastriano (R)

It simply defies all logic and reason to infer that a biological male competing in female sports doesn’t have a clear and distinct athletic advantage. A strong majority of Americans understand this is an unfair advantage.

A March 2022 Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll found that 63% of Americans were against gender-transitioning athletes competing in opposite-sex sporting events.

As a member of the Senate Education Committee, it was a no brainer for me to vote yes on the “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act” (Senate Bill 1191), which would prohibit male students from participating in athletic teams or sports that are designed for women or girls. That bill was vetoed by Governor Wolf. When I am elected, I will sign that bill into law.

As John Adams once said, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

While it may be inconvenient to acknowledge, it is a FACT that biological males have a clear unfair advantage over females in athletic competition.

Come back later this week to read a response from Doug Mastriano’s running mate, Carrie Lewis DelRosso.

Broad + Liberty is a nonprofit media endeavor dedicated to sharing voices and stories that are shut out of other media outlets. @BroadAndLiberty

3 thoughts on “Gubernatorial Candidate Spotlight: Women’s Sports”

  1. Did any of us FAIL health class when they talked about the differences of biological males vs. females?

    I didn’t think so.

    So why then, as Shapiro says, we should leave it up to the PIAA to decide?

    Serious BOZO the clown show…

  2. Finally, a definitive answer from Mastriano. The PIAA is a body that can make a ruling, but its leadership is not elected by the people – it’s appointed. This issue should be decided by elected officials who can be held accountable to the voters. Glad to see that the Mastriano camp actually showed up this time.

    1. This issue should be decided by the voters, PERIOD. Elected officals are NEVER held accountable, as we witness daily. GO TO THE PEOPLE FIRST.. After all, is it not suppossed to be, “Of the people, by the people, FOR THE PEOPLE.” Not “of the elected officials, then the people.”

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