Gubernatorial Candidate Spotlight: Ideological Unity

And we’re back with Broad + Liberty’s Candidate Spotlight Series! Each week, we reach out to candidates all across the Commonwealth up for election to public office — an equal number of Democrats and Republicans; incumbents and challengers. We ask one question per week about public policy pressing to you. Those who choose to respond will have their answers shared on our website every Wednesday through Sunday. (Please see a special statement on unresponsive candidates here.)

Today, Pennsylvania’s nominees for governor discuss unity and collaboration across party lines.

If you are a candidate for public office in Pennsylvania and would like to participate, please reach out to

This week’s question: As the debate over the “soul of the nation” intensifies, there are increased calls for unification between parties but increasing moves toward division. How do you plan to serve all your constituents regardless of ideological disposition?

Josh Shapiro (D)

Right now, our politics seem broken and divided, but we can’t just take our ball and go home. There is too much on the line, and I know there is so much more that unites us than divides us. 

Throughout my career — and every day as Attorney General — I have worked hard to bring people together, solve problems, and get things done for Pennsylvania. I have a long track record of doing that successfully, from bringing the Legislative Black Caucus and law enforcement to the table to create the first statewide database for police misconduct, to brokering a deal with UPMC and Highmark to protect health care for 1.9 million people in western Pennsylvania.

As governor, I will continue working to bring people together so that we can solve our biggest problems — because that’s how we will deliver results for people across our Commonwealth and move Pennsylvania forward.

Come back tomorrow to read a response from Josh Shapiro’s running mate, Austin Davis.

Doug Mastriano (R)

Unity is not an impossible objective. Pennsylvania voters all want the same thing. They want a strong economy that creates good opportunities for them and their families. They want affordable food and gasoline. They want to feel safe in their communities. They want to have a say in their children’s education. Unlike his opponent, Doug Mastriano will fight to implement these policies as governor and turn Pennsylvania into a powerhouse that all voters will be proud of.

Come back tomorrow to read a response from Doug Mastriano’s running mate, Carrie Lewis DelRosso.

Broad + Liberty is a nonprofit media endeavor dedicated to sharing voices and stories that are shut out of other media outlets. @BroadAndLiberty

2 thoughts on “Gubernatorial Candidate Spotlight: Ideological Unity”

  1. Really disappointed in the canned response from the Mastriano camp. To my recollection, this is the first question posed by B&L that the candidate has answered. I am a Republican and have seen nothing from this candidate that speaks to a serious person running for the office of Governor of this state. While I would like to have seen more from him, at least Shapiro’s response speaks to specific actions that can set the stage for a convergence of ideas in the middle of the political spectrum.

  2. I read both above responses.. Shapiros’ is “typical wordy” political postulating, and Mastriano is bullet points, no coddling, or “guess what I have done” phrases. Neither is good or bad, it just depends on what you as a voter need or want to hear. Mastriano HAS been very quiet. Maybe for a good reason? Not sure. I have not seen one self-promoting Mastriano commercial yet. He has accomplished much to brag about, during his term as Senator… Either he is waiting? Or maybe doesn’t need to promote himself, as everyone is well aware, thanks to the media/Shapiro commercials, what his stances would be as Governor. Trump, in 2016, got free press as well. Never had to promote himself as candidate, or run commercials either. When the media HATES you, sometimes, that’s a good thing. Depends again on who you ask. The battle for Gov, in my opinion, is not same old same old. It REALLY IS a battle of good vs. evil. The voter needs to decide which side they believe their candidate is on, and vote as your conscience (aka “soul”) dictates. Whatever the outcome of the Gov election, it will greatly affect us all. Nobody will escape the fallout…. good, bad, or ugly. Let’s see what happens.

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