Congressional Candidate Spotlight: Crime

Welcome back to Broad + Liberty’s Candidate Spotlight Series! Each week, we reach out to candidates all across the Commonwealth up for election to public office — an equal number of Democrats and Republicans; incumbents and challengers. We ask one question per week about public policy pressing to you. Those who choose to respond will have their answers shared on our website every Wednesday through Sunday.

Earlier this week, we featured responses from our nominees for U.S. Senator, Governor and Lt. Governor. Today, Pennsylvania’s nominees for U.S. Congress discuss crime and policing.

If you are a candidate for public office in Pennsylvania and would like to participate, please reach out to

This week’s question: Recent years have seen a surge in violent crime not only in Philadelphia, but in smaller cities like Allentown and York. What is your plan to support good and effective policing and prosecutions? Do you support the actions of prosecutors who decline to enforce state law?

Broad + Liberty thanks the following campaigns for their participation. Click a link below to jump to the response from your district’s candidate!

Christian Nascimento (R), Running for U.S. Congress, District 4

The surge in violent crime that is rolling across the country is a moral, economic and national security imperative. We cannot have a prosperous nation without safe streets in our communities.

There are many issues driving this increase in violence, most of which lead back to failed “progressive” policies. When prosecutors decline to prosecute, and don’t enforce laws, the police are handcuffed in their battle to keep America safe. 

“We cannot take our country back until we take our neighborhoods back. Four years ago this crime issue was used to divide America. I want to use it to unite America. I want to be tough on crime and good for civil rights. You can’t have civil justice without order and safety. Fight crime by putting 100,000 new police officers on the streets. We will create a National Police Corps and offer unemployed veterans and active military personnel a chance to become law enforcement officers at home.”

Bill Clinton spoke these words on July 23, 1992. That’s 30 years ago this Saturday. Could anyone believe a Democrat president uttered these words such a short time ago? 

Today, prosecutors right down the street, like Larry Krasner, feel the exact opposite. They care more about protecting criminals than they do about victims of crimes. He cares far more about protecting criminals than he does standing up for law enforcement. It’s shameful, and it’s preventable if law enforcement is allowed to do its job, and elected leaders do theirs.

  • In Congress I will advocate for tougher penalties for violent criminals. 
  • I will always support our police and first responders by preserving qualified immunity and strengthening police pensions.
  • I care deeply about keeping our streets safe and our communities strong. And I am not afraid to say out loud that the men and women of law enforcement deserve credit for what so many of us take for granted.
  • I believe we need more people in Washington who are not afraid to stand up for what’s right. Who are not afraid to say that bad people should be put behind bars. Who are not afraid to say that police officers make our communities stronger, safer, better.
  • I believe that we need people in Washington who actually want to get things. People who are not afraid to stand up for what’s right, especially when what we all know is right is unpopular with the media and the Left.

I intend to be a strong voice at the federal level for law enforcement.

Christian Nascimento’s opponent, Madeleine Dean, did not respond.

David Galluch (R), Running for U.S. Congress, District 5

In recent years, Philadelphia and other localities across PA-05 have seen a surge in violent crime and public safety steadily erode. In Philadelphia last year, we experienced a record number of homicides and shootings — after setting records the previous year, and the year before that. We experienced the same in Upper Darby, where murders have tripled since 2019. Other forms of violent crime, most notably carjackings, have soared. Since the start of 2022, a vehicle has been carjacked in Philadelphia every four to six hours.

Violent crime has become a reality for far too many across the district. A major reason is Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner’s refusal to prosecute criminals. In 2021, Philadelphia experienced over 2,300 incidents of gun violence, yet over 61% of illegal firearms cases were dismissed by the DA’s office. So far this year, Philly police are on track to make 3,000 arrests for illegal gun possession, yet those caught are less likely to be charged — and those charged are less likely to be convicted — than ever before. Just this past year in Philadelphia, murders are up 4%, violent crime is up 8%, armed robbery is up 64%, and property crime is up 32%. At the same time, arrests & charges brought under DA Krasner’s office are down 11%.

Public safety is the good upon which all others rest. Every family deserves the opportunity to live and work without the fear of violence. Common sense starts with holding violent offenders accountable, prosecuting those who break the law, seeking innovative deterrents that also increase the quality of justice, like mobile crime labs, and ensuring that our police are fully funded and supported. In Congress, I’ll be a champion of the safety we all deserve.

David Galluch’s opponent, Mary Gay Scanlon, did not respond.

Guy Ciarrocchi (R), Running for U.S. Congress, District 6

I’m a former Prosecutor, having served as a Deputy Attorney General, and I’m a parent. So I’m especially outraged by the spike in violent crime, ridiculous ideas like “defund the police,” and district attorneys who excuse violent behavior, treat law-abiding citizens with contempt and defend themselves like criminals.

What has happened to Philadelphia is both heartbreaking and infuriating. Our cities must be places we are happy to visit, willing to work-in and where no resident must ever hide in fear. I am committed to supporting our police so they can enforce our laws, making sure law-abiding citizens, our children and small business owners can live without fear.

First, Congress must hold public hearings to highlight both successful efforts to fight crime and to highlight the prosecutors failing to do their jobs with testimony from those harmed by their failures. (Chrissy Houlahan is supported by George Soros and those who’ve funded Larry Krasner.)

Second, we must make sure our police officers are properly funded and trained to protect us as well as themselves. (Chrissy Houlahan voted against a bill condemning “defund the police.”)

Third, taxpayers should not fund prosecutors who fail to do their jobs, and Congress ought to support alternative ways to protect citizens by partnering with elected officials who want to protect the innocent and our communities.

Guy Ciarrocchi’s opponent, Chrissy Houlahan, did not respond.

Broad + Liberty is a nonprofit media endeavor dedicated to sharing voices and stories that are shut out of other media outlets. @BroadAndLiberty

2 thoughts on “Congressional Candidate Spotlight: Crime”

  1. At least we get to hear something from these candidates. Nascimento gave the outline of a real plan, Galluch tried to do something, but it needs more than just Krasner bashing to be a real plan. Ciarocchi wants to hold Congressional hearings – how’s that any different from what Houlahan would do?

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