After the guilty verdicts of Dougherty and Henon, some are looking at the indictment of Councilman Kenyatta Johnson. These cases reveal a pressing issue for Philadelphians: a lack of oversight of our public officials from the city and state.
By Ben Mannes
Philly’s health department guidance results in segregating unvaccinated children at one Northeast elementary school
There is no formal policy for Philly public schools to separate vaccinated and unvaccinated children. That doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
By Todd Shepherd
Curt Schroder: Pennsylvania once again a top judicial hellhole, with Philly courts leading the way
The American Tort Reform Foundation’s “2021-2022 Judicial Hellholes” report shines a light on Pennsylvania’s overly litigious justice system. It’s time for state lawmakers to reset the scales of justice.
By Curt Shroder
State Sen. Scott Martin announces run for PA governor
State Senator Scott Martin jumped into the crowded race for Pennsylvania governor on Saturday.
By Linda Stein
Power PA Jobs Alliance: PA’ians will see higher energy bills if RGGI resolution defeated
“The RGGI Partnership will also cause larger power plants that can’t financially sustain themselves under the [production] cap to shut down, costing Pennsylvania thousands of good-paying, union, energy-sector jobs.”
Skyrocketing expenses for Hero Thrill Show questioned by some first responders
As attendance has slumped for the charity show that funds scholarships for the children of deceased first responders, the nonprofit pays hundreds of thousands in unexplained legal fees and rent.
By Todd Shepherd
Nutter on homicide crisis: “I wish some of these woke people would go back to sleep.”
The former Philadelphia mayor has not receded into the background after publishing a scathing op-ed criticizing District Attorney Larry Krasner.
By Kyle Sammin
Kyle Sammin: Upper Moreland School District blocking records related to school closure decisions
In response to an open records request by a parent, the district used narrow search terms unlikely to generate meaningful results, and is trying to permanently block handing over other records by taking the request to court.
By Kyle Sammin
Christine Flowers: Pro-life doesn’t just mean “pro-birth”
Abortion advocates seek to seize the moral high ground by pegging pro-lifers as misogynists. Little do they realize, we are not simply pro-birth: we’re pro-humanity.
By Christine Flowers
Emily Kreps: Middle-of-the-road politicians need not apply
Pennsylvania families don’t want middle-of-the-road politicians. We need candidates who are willing to hold fast to conservative beliefs and lead on the right side of the culture war.
By Emily Kreps