Ronna McDaniel: Pennsylvania GOP offers alternative to Democrat disappointments

Two years ago, Pennsylvania Democrats outnumbered Republicans by 813,885 registered voters. Today, their lead is down to roughly 606,500. Republicans are closing the voter registration gap in the Keystone State. That’s just one reason the GOP is optimistic about our midterm ground game going into 2022.

Much of this momentum is thanks to the permanent presence in Pennsylvania that the Republican Party established in 2020. The Trump campaign opened two Latinos for Trump offices in Allentown and Philadelphia as well as Black Voices for Trump offices in both Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Making inroads in these communities—combined with Republicans’ winning policies—helped President Trump earn the second highest Republican share of minority votes in 60 years. More than a quarter of his support in the 2020 election came from non-white voters because our message of freedom, opportunity, and family values resonates with all communities.

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We’re continuing to build on this strategy by opening engagement offices in minority communities across the country, each with a dedicated local staffer whose job is to build relationships with minority voters, recruit and train local volunteers to conduct voter registration drives, and contact and turnout voters. This grassroots approach is already delivering results. Our recent National Voter Registration Day saw massive success in Pennsylvania and we’re only getting started. A recent national poll shows that “58 percent of GOP voters said they were either ‘extremely’ or ‘very’ enthusiastic about voting.”

It’s easy to see why so many Pennsylvanians are changing their party affiliation. Authoritarian mandates imposed by Gov. Tom Wolf and President Joe Biden have created a labor shortage that is wreaking havoc on the economy. Pennsylvania is in the bottom half of states for the percentage of lost jobs recovered from the coronavirus pandemic. This summer, millions of jobs across Pennsylvania were left unfilled, and the worker shortage is posing new threats to Pennsylvania’s economy heading into the winter. The most recent data shows Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate is 6.2%, well above the nationwide average of 4.8%.

Authoritarian mandates imposed by Gov. Tom Wolf and President Joe Biden have created a labor shortage that is wrecking havoc on the economy.

These labor shortages are putting a financial strain on hard-working families. This summer, Pennsylvanians found that “the price of just about everything [went] up.” It’s not just the Keystone State: inflation is skyrocketing across the country and will only get worse if Biden’s $1.5 trillion tax-and-spending spree passes. Gasoline prices are up nearly 43%, electricity costs 5% more, and apparel has increased by 4% over the past year. Groceries are more expensive too, with Americans seeing higher prices for kitchen staples like eggs, chicken, and fresh fruit. And while costs are up, goods are increasingly difficult to get thanks to supply chain disruptions and a shortage of workers.

Instead of addressing these crises, Wolf and his fellow Democrats have decided to wage war on energy—a battle that is costing many Pennsylvanians their livelihoods. Wolf’s latest agenda threatens to gut what’s left of the Commonwealth’s once-booming energy industry. His plan is right in line with Democrats’ radical climate agenda that continues to attack Pennsylvania energy workers. As U.S. Steel courts several states in its search for a home for its new $3 billion mini-mill project, Pennsylvania may lose out on yet another economic boom thanks to Wolf’s anti-energy agenda.

When it comes to political priorities, Pennsylvania Democrats are in lockstep with Washington progressives. Voters have had enough of authoritarian mandates that have fueled a labor crisis in the Commonwealth and kept businesses and workers from thriving. They’re alarmed by the rising costs of everyday goods. They’re tired of Wolf’s job-killing regulations and his ongoing war on the state’s energy industry. Four more years of the same is the last thing Pennsylvania needs, but that’s exactly what Wolf’s right-hand man and pick for governor, Josh Shapiro, has to offer.

When it comes to political priorities, Pennsylvania Democrats are in lockstep with Washington progressives.

Pennsylvanians are ready for change, and Republicans have a winning message. Our permanent, data-driven ground game is fueling our robust voter registration efforts in the Keystone State and remains unmatched by Democrats. We’re broadening our base by building relationships in communities Democrats have long taken for granted. And the enthusiasm is surging—because Republican policies work. 

As we look ahead to 2022, the GOP is poised to take back the House, keep Pennsylvania’s Senate seat red, reclaim the Governor’s mansion, and elect Republicans at every level.

Ronna McDaniel is the Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee.

One thought on “Ronna McDaniel: Pennsylvania GOP offers alternative to Democrat disappointments”

  1. Yes, time for a BIG change in PA. The entire state has fallen behind and needs an infusion of sound management! The Democratic party nationally and in Pa. as well as many other states have fallen into shortfalls everywhere! The management is HORRENDOUS! This “Green New DEAL” only making green the pockets of the Dem Leadership who forces the states to follow their all inclusive “Green” plan that is out of sync, poorly conceived and in forceful control with their failed agenda and failed management! This Globalist plan and too much way too soon and out of sync with the economy and family lives, is failing across Europe and other nations and has forced SEVERE HARDSHIPS on too many already poor families and the lower to middle income families in the USA as well; families are barely making it week to week … let alone this winter with additional expenses and energy costs skyrocketing out of control due to forced, poor management /and insane planning , locked strictly in an ideology and time frame/ speed that is destroying the way of life for all but the top 10%! New leadership is badly needed! Time to vote the lot of them out! We are losing the America we have loved and it is going fast. We cannot survive with another 2 years of this downward spiral unless the states people raise their voices and vote all those in favor statewide of rushing this insanity even further, forcing the demise of nationality and the demise of our nation and government by and for the people! Our leaders have NOT been listening, they have been doing as they please in too many aspects of OUR LIVES! VOTE AMERICA! SAVE OUR NATION from the perils we WILL face severely if this forced agenda and downward spiraling economy and failure to curb the criminality we are seeing in our cities continues! Vote every one OUT!

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