Some Democrats in Congress are pretending to fight for workers, but are actually trying to change labor law to strengthen their party’s power.
By Guy Ciarrocchi
Gene Barr: Congress looks to fulfill Big Labor’s wish list and jeopardize workers’ privacy
As businesses and workers continue to reel from the impacts of the pandemic, House passage of the PRO Act is just one more blow to an already struggling economy.
By Gene Barr
House Democratic Leadership: Coming back strong from COVID-19 needs a foundation in reality
Three House Democrats share their vision for recovery after Covid-19 — and the steps that must be taken to make it reality.
By Joanna McClinton, Jordan Harris and Matt Bradford.
Michael Farren: The minimum wage — who actually wins and loses in Pennsylvania?
Lifting the minimum wage has been an increasingly popular effort. But who’s for and against it — and what are the consequences of the policy?
By Michael Warren