A bridge tolling project that would add user fees to nine bridges across Pennsylvania raised the eyebrows of some Senators, but the state Department of Transportation remain in support of the policy.
By Anthony Hennen
Philly Lyft driver uses gun to defend self, passenger from armed carjackers
A pair of armed robbers are in the hospital after a Lyft driver shot them during a carjacking.
By Stephen Gutowski
Pennsylvania Turnpike, world’s most expensive tollway system, increases tolls 5%
Tolls on the Pennsylvania Turnpike increased over the weekend, widening the turnpike’s gap as the most expensive tollway system in the world.
By Victor Skinner
Pennsylvania’s highways rank near bottom of U.S.
Pennsylvania’s highway system is among the worst in the nation, ranking 39th out of 50 states in the Reason Foundation’s Annual Highway Report.
By Victor Skinner
Congressman pushes back on Pennsylvania bridge tolling plan
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is promoting the Major Bridge P3 Initiative to install tolls on nine major bridges as a necessary funding source to replace or repair the structures
by Victor Skinner
Christmas crisis, buy presents now before it’s too late
As somebody with an inside view of the problem, I see shortages and shipping delays as a guarantee rather than a possibility. Because of this, I highly recommend completing your Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving.
By Bill Carlin
Jerry Wesner: The “New Normal” at PHL — will the airport economy lot ever reopen?
The economy lot of the Philadelphia Airport remains closed, and what is being done to address this problem remains a mystery.
By Jerry Wesner
Is a mileage-based road fee in Pennsylvania’s future?
As gas tax revenue slips, Pennsylvania leaders are searching for new ways to meet the state’s long-term transportation needs and costs. A mileage-based road fee may be on the horizon, among other implementations to elevate funding.
By Rick Woelfel
Pennsylvania’s alternate transportation funding plan ‘dead on arrival,’ legislators say
A package of transportation revenue options proposed last week will not pass the General Assembly this year, legislators said, leaving questions about how the state will address its multibillion dollar infrastructure problem.
By Christen Smith
Andrew Abramczyk: To fix transportation, we have to prioritize it
Infrastructure is shaping up as a big theme in Harrisburg this year, but nobody really knows where to find $8 billion. There are real policy fixes that could reduce highway traffic, expand transit and help build the commonwealth most Pennsylvanians want. But none of these are cheap or easy.
By Andrew Abramczyk