“Truth is usually the best vindication against slander,” wrote Abraham Lincoln in 1864 in the midst of the Civil War. Some 160 years later, those words still hold relevance. As a parent who fiercely advocated to open schools and eliminate masking, social distancing, and quarantine requirements, I feel partially vindicated […]
Beth Ann Rosica: Antisemitism is an issue beyond college campuses
In public schools across the region, many Jewish students and teachers do not feel safe.
By Beth Ann Rosica
Parental activism and public support level the playing field as government unions block Lifelines to students in failing schools.
Big money from government employee unions helps Democrats, but money doesn’t vote — people do.
By Kevin Mooney
Beth Ann Rosica: A glimmer of hope for public schools — union opt outs
More and more, teachers in government schools are exercising their right to leave their unions.
By Beth Ann Rosica
David Osborne: Pennsylvania’s teachers unions care about lining their pockets — not about teachers or students
Pennsylvania’s largest teachers union spend 80 percent of members’ dues on administration, politics, and lobbying, an analysis shows.
By David Osborne
Hunter Tower: Teachers’ unions deserve no ‘amnesty’ for exploiting Covid fears
Accountability, not amnesty: don’t let the teachers’ unions sweep their misdeeds under the rug.
By Hunter Tower