In the case of Andrew Cuomo, and to a lesser extent Rachel Levine, the whitewash of their misdeeds is almost as bad as the crimes themselves.
By Christine Flowers
Michael Graham: Union official defends closed classrooms — students learning ‘different skills’ from remote learning
A prominent Montgomery County teachers union official is pushing back on calls to reopen schools, arguing that remote learning might actually be good for students.
By Michael Graham
Carl Marrara: Wolf’s budget proposal fails reality test
As his administration continues to be embarrassed by controversy and a floundering vaccine rollout, Gov. Wolf should focus on getting his own house in order before peddling a big-government agenda masquerading as a pandemic response.
By Carl Marrara
George Hofmann: Will Philadelphia students have school this year?
With a little over a month before Philadelphia students are supposed to start school, the Philadelphia School District still is not set on a plan for students to return.
By George Hofmann
Chris Tremoglie: The Founders took strong measures to stop pandemics — they would today, too
Many people against the stay-at-home orders have cited our Founding Fathers as inspiration to challenge the government. They might be disappointed with the actual history. By Chris Tremoglie
Linda A. Kerns: Catastrophes remind us that long term economic reliance on government cannot sustain us
Philadelphia and all of Pennsylvania needs to take a path that makes as many of our citizens as possible independent and self-sustaining.
By Linda A. Kerns