The county dropped six figures on the report, but won’t let anyone see it without a right-to-know request.
By Beth Ann Rosica
Richard Koenig: Early uptake of Covid boosters is lagging. Is it the Edsel of vaccines?
Public health officials continue to damage their reputations by pushing the vaccine on those who need it least.
By Richard Koenig
Bolno + Gambescia: Eight steps to Covid contrition
By admitting their mistakes and renewing their commitment to science, public health professionals can start to regain trust.
By Stephen F. Gambescia and Stew Bolno
Kirk Allen & John Kraft: Dr. Fauci warned about coronaviruses in 2003 – but didn’t act on it
Because he did very little in the last 17 years to address the very concerns about coronaviruses he raised in his testimony in 2003, Dr. Fauci should resign in disgrace.
By Kirk Allen & John Kraft
Kevin Mooney: Cyber charter schools well equipped to continue educational services during COVID-19
While most of American students have been adjusting to virtual classes, for Pennsylvania Cyber Charter Schools, not much has changed
Chris Tremoglie: The Founders took strong measures to stop pandemics — they would today, too
Many people against the stay-at-home orders have cited our Founding Fathers as inspiration to challenge the government. They might be disappointed with the actual history. By Chris Tremoglie