(The College Fix) – A work-study job advertised at Penn State University wants students committed to “anti-racism practices” to help a left-leaning political organization register and educate voters. The job has renewed concerns by a leading Republican lawmaker about the Biden administration turning the financial aid program into a “vote-buying […]
Christine Flowers: Welcome to my world, Michael Smerconish
Smerconish just got a taste of the world conservatives have been living in forever.
By Christine Flowers
Dickinson College pulls Smerconish commencement address invitation over comments from 2004.
“This should be a cautionary tale for anyone in America who believes in fairness, common sense, the free exchange of ideas, rational decision-making, and the importance of leadership in the face of hysteria,” Smerconish said.
By Steve Ulrich
Rep. Rob Mercuri: Helping more students in Pennsylvania achieve their dreams
Changes are needed to our higher education system and they must be structural, student focused and workforce driven.
By Rep. Rob Mercuri
Guy Ciarrocchi: What ever happened to ‘never again’?
Too many are speechless and paralyzed in the face of actual hate.
By Guy Ciarrocchi
Pennsylvania universities ranked poorly on free speech scale
Local schools all scored below average, with the University of Pennsylvania ranked second-worst in the nation.
By Lauren Jessop
State college system defers tuition freeze decision until summer
Legislators warned that schools cannot raise costs and still expect more state support.
By Anthony Hennen
Rep. Joe D’Orsie: Let’s open up our colleges for debate
Universities should encourage speech and debate, not stifle them.
By Rep. Joe D’Orsie
Pennsylvania colleges still unaffordable despite tuition freeze
State colleges in the commonwealth remain more expensive than those in neighboring states.
By Christina Lengyel
Pennsylvania tax breaks for the rich: 529 plans help the wealthy, not the poor, pay for college
College 529 savings plans offer families tax breaks for higher education, but their benefits get heavily concentrated among the well-off.
By Anthony Hennen