In an ongoing lawsuit, more than 120 teachers used a simple calculation to accuse the Central Bucks School District of salary discrimination: The district, by their reckoning, paid men more than women — therefore, it must be sexism. Two weeks ago, a federal judge of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania […]
Central Bucks School Board members use Signal for official business, evading public disclosure laws
In its haste to hire a new solicitor and undo some of the policies of the previous Republican-led board, the Democratic majority board that took control of the Central Bucks School District (CBSD) in 2023 allegedly violated the Sunshine Act. That’s the contention of a lawsuit filed by residents John […]
Beth Ann Rosica: State education department rescinds DEI guidelines — but some local school districts will follow them anyway.
As a result of legal action brought by several western Pennsylvania school districts, the state Department of Education (PDE) in November rescinded its Culturally-Relevant and Sustaining Education Program Framework Guidelines (CR-SE). These guidelines included nine controversial competencies with multiple standards that were required to be incorporated into teacher professional development […]
Bucks Dems dominated 2023 fundraising. Will GOP catch up this year?
A formidable web of PACs and law firms keep Democratic candidates well-funded.
By Bradley Vasoli
Beth Ann Rosica: Pot calling the kettle black? Law firm scrutinizes Central Bucks legal invoices, but they assign four lawyers help a school board to fight with parents.
Clients aren’t happy with a law firm’s bill — so they hire another firm to complain about it. And the taxpayers pay for it all.
By Beth Ann Rosica
Central Bucks school board members not keen to mediate discrimination suit, email shows
Plaintiff Rebecca Cartee-Haring blasts the school board — which includes her husband.
By Todd Shepherd
Kyle Sammin: Central Bucks Dems try to make their electoral gains permanent through creative line-drawing
When is gerrymandering not gerrymandering? When a Democrat does it.
By Kyle Sammin
Dana Hunter: Similarities and differences on the ballot next week
My opponent and I aren’t completely different — but the differences matter.
By Dana Hunter
Central Bucks teachers’ union president ‘disheartened and disappointed’ by Dem candidates’ new signs
Members of the conservative contingent say the local teachers’ union normally stays out of races in which there is an incumbent member running for re-election.
By Todd Shepherd
Glenn Schloeffel: The new Central Bucks School District policy protects female athletes
Policy 123.3 protects girls’ emotional and physical safety and preserves the achievements won through Title IX.
By Glenn Schloeffel