After the Durham Report, we must shatter the FBI into a thousand pieces.
By Andy Bloom
Andy Bloom: The House HAS raised the debt ceiling
The President’s exaggerations and half-truths to the contrary, House Republicans have done their job. Now, Biden and the Senate must do theirs.
By Andy Bloom
Andy Bloom: Assault weapon bans make people feel better, but won’t make things better
Previous bans let politicians feel like they were doing something, but failed to make a difference in reducing violent crime.
By Andy Bloom
Andy Bloom: American tragedies — how does this mess end?
The seemingly endless run of violent incidents don’t reflect a country divided — they reflect a country gone mad.
By Andy Bloom
Andy Bloom: Earth Day 2023 – Preserving Mother Earth without hysterics
Responsible stewardship of nature doesn’t mean unthinking adherence to fringe theories.
By Andy Bloom
Andy Bloom: Election trends portend ominous forecast for Republicans
Extremism and stubbornness are no substitute for reasoned discourse and moderate governance. Until Republicans realize that, they will continue to lose elections.
By Andy Bloom
Andy Bloom: Trump’s indictment keeps our national obsession with him alive
“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.”
By Andy Bloom
Andy Bloom: It’s time to ban TikTok
Congressional hearings add to the evidence that TikTok is harming our teens — and our country.
By Andy Bloom
Andy Bloom: Bucks County versus Big Tech
The county commissioners and district attorney joined together to sue the app-makers for the destructive effect they claim is made to teenagers’ mental health.
Andy Bloom: A politician says he’s going to make the wealthy pay their fair share, and other fairy tales
Biden’s narrative is about soaking the rich, but the text tells a different tale.
By Andy Bloom