Guy Ciarrocchi: Democracy is dying in the media’s darkness
If I was a news editor, I would want answers to some important questions. Questions that are obvious to me and important to the nation. And, I might encourage my reporters, journalists and hosts to pursue these questions.
Almost no one in the national legacy media seems to be asking; trying to ask; or, complaining that they can’t get access or answers to these vitally important questions. As a voter, I want to know the answers. Or, I might begin to draw conclusions since the information is being hidden from me.
The former President of the United States, the nominee of the Republican Party, was nearly assassinated a month ago. One man tragically died and others were hospitalized. At a minimum, the security plan for the day was gravely flawed. Where are the follow-up news stories? Investigations? Accountability? Crickets from the national press.
Joe Biden, the current President of the United States was running for re-election and — apparently — in charge of the national government, despite months and years of behaviors, words and vacations suggesting that he was not physically or mentally up to the job. Then, after weeks of public and not-so-private “pressure” from everyone, from Obama to Pelosi to George Clooney, he suddenly decided not to seek re-election, but to remain as president. How can he be too old, tired, or “foggy” to be a candidate, yet okay to be President? Is he still in charge? Anyone care to ask him? Crickets.
Biden’s Vice President, Kamala Harris, defended his mental and physical health — even after the train-wreck of a debate. Was Harris lying to us? Putting politics above national duty? Or was she clueless, having no idea that he wasn’t up to it? Is Biden still in charge, or is she? As she’s campaigning, how is she monitoring his mental and physical health? If Biden declines more and more, will she tell us? Will she attempt to invoke the 25th amendment? Is anyone going to ask her any of these questions?
Harris received not one primary election vote, participated in no debates, took no questions from delegates — or media members — and, suddenly was “anointed” the Democrat’s nominee. Anyone troubled by this? Anyone find it ironic that the party and ideology that trumpets “democracy” allowed this to happen?
Since being crowned by the party bosses as the Democrat’s nominee, she has not held one press conference. Her webpage lists no policy positions. Harris’s policy positions, such as they are, are issued by staff members — and often are 180 degrees opposite of what she’s said in the past as Vice President or a candidate for president in 2020. She gives speeches, makes ads and posts policies on social media often about current problems, many of which she helped create or could address now. Does she feel accountable? Why isn’t she fixing them now? Is anyone going to try to ask her questions? Candidates are typically available almost daily — why isn’t she?
Her role as “Border Czar” continues to “evolve.” What was her role? Does she think she failed? Her own agencies say that terrorists and criminals have gotten into America—any thoughts? Her own party’s mayors and governors are complaining about the crushing financial and human burden on schools, housing and hospitals — any thoughts? Will she secure the border? What would President Harris do to fix this crisis — or is she content with the way things are?
The same for the criminally bad withdrawal from Afghanistan. What was her role? What did she learn from the human tragedy? Biden said that no American soldier has been lost on their watch—yet the facts are tragically different. What does she think?
She has been publicly, forcefully, in favor of a fracking ban. Her staff says she is now not for a ban. Is that true? What made her change her mind? What is her position on fracking? Drilling for and using American oil and gas?
She has positioned herself both as being tough on crime — as California’s Attorney General and San Francisco’s District Attorney — and, also, apologizing for being too tough on young black men. During the riots in Minneapolis in 2020, she used social media to publicly raise money for those arrested for burning buildings and other violent crimes. So, one might ask: what is her position on fighting crime? What in her past is still something she believes; and, what isn’t? Does she have any regrets?
Harris chose Minnesota’s governor, Tim Walz, as her running mate. He was governor as Minneapolis burned. Does her selection mean she agreed with his “let Minneapolis burn” policies? His personal military record biography — to put it charitably — seems to be inaccurate, with “exaggerations” of his role and “glossing over” his sudden departure as Command Sergeant Major on the eve of his troops’ departure for Iraq. Did she know this? Have any thoughts on this? What’s her message to our men and women in harm’s way all over the planet?
Harris didn’t pick Josh Shapiro. In this day and age, one must ask: did his Jewish faith play a role in that decision?
As part of the Left and its ever-evolving vocabulary and definitions — creating words and changing the plain-English meaning of words — and the need to virtue-signal, pointing out the “good guys” and the “bad guys,” the Washington Post has adopted the slogan “Democracy Dies in the Darkness.” (Important fact: America has never been a “democracy” — i.e., mob rule. We are a democratic republic with a Constitution to protect our rights and limit government — and limit policies created by those we elect out of immediate fear or anger. The Left misuses the word intentionally. When they want actions or newly created “rights,” to stoke fear, they purposefully chant that “democracy” is in danger if their policies or “rights” aren’t being honored.)
The reality is that America and Americans are being harmed — in part — because much of the legacy media have chosen to be biased advocates, not journalists. They not only slant their stories and select their guests; they decide what to cover and what not to cover — and in the era of “clicks” and “chasing an audience,” they use sensationalized misleading headlines. For those of us over 35, I hope you’re paying attention. This isn’t even our parents’ CBS, New York Times or even Associated Press.
There are serious, obvious questions that aren’t being asked. Unfortunately, the lack of questions, trying to ask these questions and caring that these questions cannot be addressed — because Harris is not taking questions — is impacting this election and harming the nation.
Or, so it seems to me. But, maybe I’m weird.
An outstanding article by Mr. Ciarrocchi. Nuanced, substantive and relevant, his writing is an antidote to the delusional cant corporate media slathers on the public. That Biden has lacked capacity and competence for years is tragic. That media did not report, even stooping to attack those that reported the king’s garment dysfunction, is harmful. That corporate media rewrites and denies that which we have seen is Orwellian corruption that threatens all.
Guy: Even Reuters is slanted. Taxpayer funded NPR, PBS also. You have to seek out non-MSM websites or even look to overseas news services to get neutral coverage. Also, as soon as I heard that the FBI was handling the investigation of the assassination attempt, I laughed out loud.
What sources do rely on that are not part of the main stream media?
Why would you like to know, so you can visit them and play chess like a pigeon in the comments section?