Must Read Story
Delaware County facing $76 million budget deficit — 28 percent tax increase proposed
The taxes would replace temporary federal funds that were used to pay for permanent spending increases.
By Todd Shepherd
The taxes would replace temporary federal funds that were used to pay for permanent spending increases.
By Todd Shepherd
While having a drink with a friend in a neighborhood bar a few years ago, a distraught-looking woman approached us and started chatting. We engaged in typical barroom banter until she introduced herself as the mother of a guy I had met in the same bar almost two years before. […]
Patriotic Pragmatism vs. Patronizing Progressivism
By Richard F. Kosich
Unity of purpose. Humility before God. Gratitude for what we have been given. Giving thanks. We are called to give thanks for our great, blessed, albeit imperfect nation. I join Washington, Lincoln, and others in giving my thanks to God. No, this isn’t a history lesson. Nor is my purpose […]